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For most of our lives, our social relationships are accidental. Then, in our 60s, we find ourselves wondering how to make friends as an adult. This is not a trivial question. Having strong social ties is good for our health and happiness. Let's explore this topic together.

7 years ago

6 Ways to Show Your Support When a Friend Gets Sick

Lately, it seems that every week I learn more of my friends are waiting for test results or battling some debilitating illness. The older I get, the more frequently it happens. Are you encountering this? How do you help your friends and protect your own health and happiness? Read More

8 years ago

How to Move Beyond “Accidental Acquaintances” and Find True Friends After 60

Today, I want to get your opinion on something important. The question that I have is deceptively simple, but, it gets to the heart of what it means to fight loneliness after 60. What makes a true friend? Read More

8 years ago

3 Ways Blogging Can Help You to Make Friends After 60

My first few months as a blogger were filled more with the sound of crickets than critical acclaim.

When I started Sixty and Me, now a community of over 500,000 wonderful baby boomer women, I had exactly one reader – myself. Actually, that’s not entirely true. My son also checked in from time to time to give me support, but, if I’m honest, I was basically talking to myself. Read More

8 years ago

How the Golden Rule Can Help Us Build Healthy Relationships and Live Well with Others

Harriet heard the front door open and the jangle of keys. From the sounds, she recognized that it was her housemate, Mary. Mary came into the kitchen where Harriet was putting together a salad. A pot of soup simmered on the stove. Mary said, “Hi.” Read More

8 years ago

How to Get More Involved in Your Community in Your 60s or Better

What things matter to you in your community? Do you care how many shopping malls are nearby? Do you care if nightlife is around the corner to spice up your evenings? Do you care if enough bank offices populate the downtown area?
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8 years ago

Are You an Introvert Pretending to be an Extrovert?

One of the keys to happiness at any age is to learn to accept yourself for who you really are. Why? Because you can’t build an environment that makes you happy until you know what makes you tick. Read More

8 years ago

Making Friends as an Adult: The Value of Cross-Generational Relationships

Yesterday I took my 79-year-old friend to the hairdresser. We go out a couple of times a week, with occasional stops at the store to stock her refrigerator or at the drug store to pick up a prescription. Then we visit for a while when we get back and catch up on family news. Read More

8 years ago

Say Bye-Bye to these Kinds of Friends After 60

As baby boomers, we have collected a lot of friends over the last 50 to 60 years. Some of us still stay in touch with people we knew as children. Most of us have at least a few high school or college buddies. We have work friends and social acquaintances, poker buddies and professional contacts. Read More

8 years ago

“Don’t Talk to Strangers!” This Simple Childhood Rule is Killing Your Happiness

One of the most basic rules that all parents try to drill into their children’s heads is “don’t talk to strangers.”

I’m sure that you did the same thing with your kids. I know I did. From the time that my boys were old enough to play outside, I used repetition, role-playing and threats to get them to follow this simple rule. Read More

8 years ago

Has Social Isolation Snuck Up on You? Here Are 6 Ways to Reconnect with People

Isolation sneaks up on ya! Has it snuck up on you too?

I had been building my business as an “Influencer” for over 35 years and this year decided to do something differently. However, disconnecting from that business network for a different focus caught me with a sideline surprise. Read More