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For most of our lives, our social relationships are accidental. Then, in our 60s, we find ourselves wondering how to make friends as an adult. This is not a trivial question. Having strong social ties is good for our health and happiness. Let's explore this topic together.

6 years ago

4 Surefire Ways to Make New Friends at Any Age

If you are starting over and feeling lonely, just remember that you can make new friends at any age. If you think that sounds like work, it is. But, it’s necessary and worthwhile. Read More

7 years ago

Discover the Power of Words to Create Meaningful Conversations After 60

I love the power of words and how you can re-arrange them in such a way to create impact. But how do you do that when meeting people? Read More

7 years ago

Why Boomers May Need a BFF

Recently, I was listening to the radio in the car, and one of my favorite songs from my college days, Carole King’s “You’ve Got a Friend,” was playing…

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7 years ago

5 Sure-fire Strategies for Making Friends and Ending Loneliness After 60

I was leaning back in my chair laughing so hard that I nearly fell over. My belly hurt. The six of us at our table were nearly in hysterics. It took us several minutes to get under control before the conversation continued. All of us wiped laughter tears from our cheeks. We couldn’t wait for the next story…

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7 years ago

Finding Friends in Your 60s is Magical… Here’s How to Do it!

In the book about downsizing called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, it’s suggested that you discard items in your home that don’t bring you joy. The same could be said about friends, I suppose…

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7 years ago

5 Unexpected Places to Meet New People in Retirement

There is such an abundance of free time in retirement that it is easy to feel unsure of how to restructure your day so that you can remain just as productive as you may have felt pre-retirement. Read More

7 years ago

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Social Connections After 60

The holidays, with their many gatherings and social opportunities, have passed. I still feel the warmth of many renewed connections. Some were stimulated by relatives and friends sharing information about past and upcoming trips, others by the sadness over the many health problems that we’re all facing. Read More

7 years ago

Who’s in Your Posse? How to Bring Positive Friendships into Your Life After 50

Posse: a group of people who have a common characteristic, occupation or purpose.

Post holidays is a good time to reassess who you spend your time with. Think about it as you look back at the past six weeks. Read More

7 years ago

You Are Never Too Old to Join a Book Club!

There are people who love chatting about books. Then there are others who have no desire to join a book club. Which are you?

If you believe you are the latter, please continue, gentle reader. Read More

7 years ago

4 Simple Ways to Find New Friends

Building strong friendships can be difficult at any age. But, as many women in the community have told me, finding friends is especially difficult after 50. With your kids out of the house and your work life shifting, it’s important to expand your social circle. So, today, I would like to offer 4 suggestions for finding new friends at this stage in your life. Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More