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How to Deal with Loneliness

If you want to know how to deal with loneliness and depression, we're here to help. After talking with 1000s of women in the community, we have developed a series of articles designed to help you find friends who share your interests. We hope you find them useful!

7 years ago

How a Pot of Soup Can Be a Cure for Loneliness After 60

I listened to a program about loneliness and was struck by how much of it there is in society today. We’ve become isolated by the very technology that was designed to connect us…

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7 years ago

Should Governments Get More Involved in Fighting Loneliness? This Country Thinks So!

Over the last few decades, governments across the world have taken an increasingly active role in promoting public health. They encourage flu shots, help to coordinate responses to epidemics, invest in basic science and more specialized medical research and create a safety net for low income families that need access to doctors. Read More

7 years ago

Fighting Loneliness: How Local Friends Can Become Your New Family

The concept of aging alone occurred to me after helping my older parents with challenges like cleaning the house, meal preparation, shopping, driving to doctor’s appointments and medical treatments, and even managing medications. Read More

7 years ago

The New Loneliness Epidemic Is Worse than Obesity

As we age, we become more and more aware of our health and what our bodies need for us to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We try to eat better. We try to exercise. We try to take our vitamins and drink more water. But could we be missing out on something that impacts our health even greater? Read More

7 years ago

How to Feel Less Lonely by Focusing on What You Can Control

If you’re wondering how to feel less lonely, it is easy to feel like the situation is out of your control. After all, we can’t control how other people feel or think. Read More

8 years ago

When Living Alone, Be Sure Your Health Provider is Meeting Your Needs

We know that growing older and living alone is hardest when residing in the suburbs. Цe tend to isolate and become lonely. And when we remain alone and apart from others, the results can create havoc on our physical health, says research geriatrician, Dr. Maria Carney, author of Elder Orphans, Hiding in Plain Sight…

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8 years ago

Choosing How to Live After 60: Alone, Lonely or Lonesome

Alone – without others present

Lonely – solitary, companionless, isolated

Lonesome – feeling lonely or forlorn

Why do so many women feel alone, lonely and lonesome? Could it possibly have something to do with choice? Is there a simple explanation that could turn these sad, often heartbreaking feelings around? Could we reverse being lonely and lonesome without involving other people, professionals, friends or family? Is it possible? Is it a choice? Read More

8 years ago

Has Social Isolation Snuck Up on You? Here Are 6 Ways to Reconnect with People

Isolation sneaks up on ya! Has it snuck up on you too?

I had been building my business as an “Influencer” for over 35 years and this year decided to do something differently. However, disconnecting from that business network for a different focus caught me with a sideline surprise. Read More

8 years ago

Susan Sarandon Says that Being Alone is Traumatic and Exhilarating… Do you Agree?

I’ve been single for well over a decade now. Like most older women who have gone through a divorce, I have a bit of a love / hate relationship with being single.

80% of the time, I am able to celebrate my independence. I genuinely appreciate having the freedom to pursue my passions without compromise. I even love getting up in the morning and being able to eat breakfast whenever I want and with whomever I want. Does any of this sound familiar? Read More

8 years ago

Overcoming Social Isolation in Your 60s and 70s

Everyone thinks that illnesses are the scariest things that you have to face as you get a little older. While cancer and Alzheimer’s are undoubtedly terrifying, there is a force that many women our age fear even more – social isolation. Read More