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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

2 years ago

Do You Think a Hobby of the Past Can Bring Light to Your 60-Something Self? Just Try It!

For me, it all started when a stranger walked into a craft shop… I always thought the old saying about entering your second childhood was a load of nonsense. Now it has taken on a totally different meaning to me…

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2 years ago

My Super-Secret Recipe to Have a Blast Releasing Your Inner Artist in Your 60s

Every Artist struggles with insecurity, and those of us who started making art in our 60s, suffer from it even more. Inner self-talk often includes thoughts like: Who am I to think I can be an Artist? What if people hate my work? Can I actually make…

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2 years ago

Writing a Mini-Memoir: Sharing Your Abundant Life with the Future Generation

Do you want to write a memoir, but never find the time for such a big project? Or, are you not really used to writing? Do you grapple with the issue of not wanting to ruin any of your relationships, even after you are no longer alive?

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2 years ago

Embrace the Dance at Any Age: Contemplating the Wonders of All Forms of Dance

The great Bob Marley once said, “Forget your troubles and dance.” How simple yet so profound and true! When we immerse in music and dance, everything else seems to drift away and leave only the desire to sway to the rhythm…

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2 years ago

Are You Adventurous?

I’m certain the desire for adventure has been rooted deeply within me since childhood. This, coming from a person who equally craves a sense of safety and security! While the two may seem incompatible, in my experience they are not…

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2 years ago

Taking Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing) to New Heights

Several years ago, I wrote an article on Sixty and Me on the benefits of Shinrin-Yoku, spending time in the forest for health and well-being. I thought of my forest experiences, then and now, when I heard about a recently developed forest project near where…

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2 years ago

Preparing to Scan Your Old Photo Collection? Get Ready to Spend Some Time!

People ask me all the time about the best way to scan their old prints. If you have taken on the role of family photo historian, you will need to do some scanning at some point. You may still have boxes of loose prints…

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2 years ago

How to Live a Creative Life Even If You Are “Not Creative”

When you think of being creative do you start to feel a little freer? Or do you quickly freeze up with frustration or self-doubt? I would like to help you to loosen up with a few practical ideas from people who know a few things about what creativity really is…

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2 years ago

It’s Time to Head Back to School no Matter Your Age!

The mornings are cooler and that hint of fall is in the air! Yellow school buses are making the rounds, kids are back in school, and the excitement of a new bookbag, crayons, and various school supplies reminds us that a fresh start is exactly what we need…

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2 years ago

What Living in Mexico Has Taught Me About the Power of Music

The first soldiers killed in battle are the musicians, for music’s power to inspire. It can change a person’s mood in minutes. It can give form to otherwise incoherent, nascent feelings. Music can take years off a world-weary spirit…

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