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Healthy Eating

There's an old saying that "you are what you eat." When it comes to healthy eating, this is definitely true. If you want to experience healthy aging, you need to make sure that you are giving your body the fuel that it needs. In this section, we'll discuss healthy recipes, nutrition for seniors and more.

2 years ago

5 Key Ingredients for the Perfect Healthy Smoothie

Yesterday, when I was at the grocery store looking for something to make my headache go away, I had an epiphany about breakfast. Why don’t I make more smoothies when I’m rushing around wanting something healthy to eat?

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2 years ago

3 Tips to Curb Indulgent Eating on Summer Vacations for Women over 50

For women over 50 who struggle with food obsession and want to lose weight, the prospect of vacation can bring both excitement and anxiety. Why do women over 50 feel anxiety about indulgent eating on summer vacations?

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2 years ago

8 Hacks to Gain Skills, Not Weight, Over the Holiday Weekend

I never met a holiday menu I didn’t embrace. Like so many of us I was “dieting” (here and there) some of the year, but when a holiday rolled around, out the window the diet went. Problem is, we celebrate something every month…

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2 years ago

Are You a Pastry Lover? Did You Know the Croissant Is Not Actually French?

You might think you know all there is to know about that pure-butter, crispy, flaky, multi-layer pastry that creates a serious craving on your first morning upon arriving in France. After all, what is more French than breakfast at your favorite…

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2 years ago

The Longevity Diet: A Step-By-Step Plan to Live Longer and Healthier

It is estimated that approximately 80% of the food sold in supermarkets today did not exist when many of us were children. Unfortunately, most of these “new foods” are unhealthy, genetically-modified and highly refined products loaded with chemicals…

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2 years ago

Kickstart Your Digestive Health with Fiber  

When all else seems too daunting, simply adding dietary fiber into your daily diet may improve the function of your gastrointestinal system, your immune system and aid in the prevention and onset of diseases like diabetes, heart disease…

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2 years ago

How to Stay Healthy on Holiday, One Delicious Bite at a Time

Apart from a tan and presents for our grandchildren, there are two things most of us want to avoid bringing home after a holiday abroad: a stomach upset or excess baggage around our tummies! Whether you are going to India or Spain, there are a few things you can do to avoid both, and come back healthier, whether you’re traveling for months or just a couple of weeks. How to avoid illness while traveling?

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2 years ago

3 Surprising Late-Night Snacks to Help You Get Better Sleep

If you’re like many of us, you’re a little hungry when bedtime rolls around. Although you know you shouldn’t eat a big meal just before retiring for the night, you need something in your tummy before you can fall asleep…

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2 years ago

The Number One Healthy Aging Question Your Doctor Probably Isn’t Asking

There’s a lot of talk these days about “health care.” But I challenge that term. Are our medical expenses so high because we are caring for our health, or are they so high because those in the medical profession are only trained to address…

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2 years ago

Preparing YOU and Your Pantry for the Spring and Summer Season

With the worst of winter storms and ice behind us, we can safely put the snow shovel and ice melt away for another year. Windows open for fresh air and flowers make their annual appearance in all their splendor…

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