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Healthy Eating

There's an old saying that "you are what you eat." When it comes to healthy eating, this is definitely true. If you want to experience healthy aging, you need to make sure that you are giving your body the fuel that it needs. In this section, we'll discuss healthy recipes, nutrition for seniors and more.

2 years ago

How to Use Spices to Stay Healthy in the Transition from Summer to Fall

Many kitchen spices have warming properties that can enhance your health as the weather turns colder. While they are available in supplement form, use them in recipes whenever possible. Weight for weight, spices provide…

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2 years ago

Does Healthy Eating = Healthy Aging?

Do you have healthy and nutritious habits? Or are you a die-hard fan of those rich foods you grew up eating? As someone concerned with health and nutrition, I have done a lot of research on this subject. I have personally fought…

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2 years ago

2 Easy to Prepare Vegan Dinners that Offer an Alternative to Processed Food

I am going to share a few vegan recipes with you. Though I am not a vegan, I try to make a few dishes during the week that do not have animal protein for good health and economy. I took on a great writing gig a few years ago…

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2 years ago

6 Tips for Cooking Deliciously in Small Servings

While restaurants have adapted and re-adapted to the “new” safety standards, many people still choose to cook at home, leaving us faced with how to make nutritious, creative, and inviting meals for one or two people…

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2 years ago

A Healthy Chocolate Mousse Recipe? Yes, It Does Exist!

What if I told you there was a healthy chocolate mousse recipe? No “what if?” There is, and I’m sharing it right here, for free! I share with my community the idea of having a healthy “balance” of 80/20…

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2 years ago

Budget Friendly Pasta Salads that Are Perfect for Summer

I have to admit I do not cook pasta very often, except in the summer as it makes an easy and inexpensive dinner. With today’s rising food prices, I think about what we eat. This is actually quite easy as my husband shops the bargains…

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2 years ago

You Won’t Believe the Health Benefits of These 10 Herbs and Spices

Most of us truly enjoy adding lots of spices and herbs to our cooking. It may or may not surprise you that spices not only add flavor to our meals but also offer incredible health benefits…

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2 years ago

6 Famous Female Chefs Who Changed the World of Cooking

There is an old saying that “women make good cooks, but men make better chefs.” Setting aside the inaccuracy of this statement, it does tell us something important about the way that society looks at the roles of men and women in the kitchen…

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2 years ago

Healthy Summer Desserts: My Delicious Fruit and Yoghurt Whip and Chocolate Avocado Mousse

I have to admit that I rarely make desserts. We get our sugar fix with fruit, but every once in a while I decide it is time to enjoy a real dessert. Most of the desserts I do create include fruit, as it is a healthy and delicious way to get our servings of fruit…

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2 years ago

Staying Hydrated in the Summer Months

As we move into the warmer summer months, staying hydrated does more than quench our thirst. Water plays a key role in our body’s daily functions. Water is the fuel our body needs for our internal temperature control, lubricating our joints, maintaining fluid…

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