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Healthy Eating

There's an old saying that "you are what you eat." When it comes to healthy eating, this is definitely true. If you want to experience healthy aging, you need to make sure that you are giving your body the fuel that it needs. In this section, we'll discuss healthy recipes, nutrition for seniors and more.

5 years ago

Vacationing Abroad After 50? It Takes Good Food to Stay Regular in the Bathroom

Recently, I returned from a 10-day tour of China. The highlight, unsurprisingly, would have to be the Great Wall, but I was also blown away by the wonderful “hidden treasures” this county has to offer…

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5 years ago

9 Brain Builders and 3 Brain Drainers Boomer Women Need to Consider in Their Diet

As I slide into my 70s, I find myself forgetting names with more regularity every day. It’s getting so common that I often stay out of conversations because I can’t remember the name of the politician…

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5 years ago

How to Avoid Tummy Trouble While Travelling: Here’s Some Healthy Travel Eating Advice from a Pro

We’ve all been there. We’re having a wonderful holiday making beautiful memories, but our bodies are just not cooperating. Indigestion, dehydration, and other digestive issues can put a damper on the best vacations…

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6 years ago

These 10 Healthy Food Bloggers Will Help You Surprise Your Grandkids with Your Culinary Creations

One of the nice things about getting a little older is that you finally have time to focus on your passions. In the kitchen, this means that you have the freedom to break away from the dishes that you are famous for and try something a little more surprising. Read More

6 years ago

Potlucks for Boomers: 6 Creative Ideas for Hosting a Culinary Connection

As time goes on, we may find entertaining guests less attractive, even overwhelming. We may not have the energy or the inclination to prepare a full dinner party for a large group, nor the extra cash to foot the bill. But we still want to stay in touch and spend time with our dear friends. Read More

6 years ago

Stomach for Brains! How Probiotics Can Help You with Your Memory

Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the many benefits of probiotics. They are good for just about everything – from your sinusitis to irritable bowel. But, did you know they could be beneficial for your memory? Read More

6 years ago

You Need More Than Calcium Supplements for Healthy Bones

As a child, I was always told I needed calcium for strong bones. So, I drank lots of milk and made sure to eat foods rich in this mineral. As an adult, I took calcium supplements. I figured I was doing what I was supposed to be doing from a nutritional standpoint in order to protect my bones. Read More

6 years ago

Embrace the Joy of Shared Meals After 60 – You’d Be Surprised at the Benefits!

After 60 many of us live alone, and not always by choice. In my work as a health coach many women share that the hardest time of day is the dinner hour, because it just doesn’t feel so good to sit alone at the table. Read More

6 years ago

5 Nutrition Suggestions for Healthy Aging

I remember when Jane Fonda proudly announced that she had put on some weight, and that she was looking better. She said growing up, she was told it was a choice between her ‘ass or her face,’ but now she’s getting complements on both. Read More

6 years ago

5 Powerful Reasons to Give Bone Broth a Try

Bone broth, which is basically soup broth, has been around for centuries. Our ancestors used to keep a pot of broth over the fires to use in making meals. Making bone broth was a way of using every part of an animal so that nothing was wasted. It was an inexpensive and versatile source of nutrients. Read More