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Healthy Eating

There's an old saying that "you are what you eat." When it comes to healthy eating, this is definitely true. If you want to experience healthy aging, you need to make sure that you are giving your body the fuel that it needs. In this section, we'll discuss healthy recipes, nutrition for seniors and more.

4 years ago

How to Have a Super Day with These 3 Superfoods

Superfoods are nutrient dense foods that help you fight disease, feel more energetic and lose weight. These “wonderfoods” contain extra-large doses of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help us ward off diseases and live longer, healthier lives. Read More

4 years ago

It’s Berry Season: 6 Good Reasons to Indulge – and Boost Your Health While You’re at It!

I admit it – I’m hooked. Not generally a greedy person, when I’m faced with bushes of free berries, I go nuts. Ballistic. I can’t stop myself. Not only that, but I can’t pass the berry display in the grocery store without nabbing at least a few…

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4 years ago

When It Comes to Boomer Nutrition, One Size Does Not Fit All

Have you caught yourself doing something in one area of your life that you would never even dream of doing in another? For example, most of us do not buy “one-size-fits-all” clothing, shoes, or even bedding. If we wear a size 11 dress…

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4 years ago

What’s in Your Pantry? The 7 Items I Need on a Daily Basis

On a podcast recently, this question was put to chefs: Which seven ingredients must you always have in your pantry at home? One surprising answer was tomato paste. Since the chef said it was necessary…

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4 years ago

Spring Greens Can Give Your Aging Body a Boost: Learn How with These Tips!

Do you ever stroll through a garden or a forest in springtime, with sun shining down upon you, and you almost “see” the greens spring up before your eyes? These beautiful greens have been in a dormant phase for several months, just waiting for the soil to warm…

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4 years ago

Tired of Beans? Try This Super-Easy, Yummy, Immune-Boosting, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Roasted Vegetable Soup

Are you, like me, spending a lot of time in your kitchen these days, as we all ‘shelter in place’ and follow social distancing mandates during this very difficult time?

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4 years ago

3 Recipes to Comfort You in Uncertain Times

A therapist friend once told me, “Our brains can’t process two things at once. If our hands are occupied – knitting a scarf, coloring or drawing, cooking a new recipe, decorating cookies…

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5 years ago

My Super-Easy, Too-Good-to-Be-True, Immune-Boosting, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Comfort Food Lentil Stew – You’re Gonna Love It!

Coming home from grocery stores in the past weeks during this rapidly escalating Covid-19 outbreak has left me both anxious and overwhelmed. As I’ve scanned the increasing number of empty shelves in most grocery chains…

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5 years ago

How to Make the Perfect Homemade Turmeric Tea in Just 15 Minutes

I never thought about making turmeric tea until my last visit to India. On the trip, a good friend of mine introduced me to the diverse flavors of this magical drink. There was something about the spices, milk and honey that set my taste buds on fire…

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5 years ago

How a Healthy Mediterranean Diet Might Reduce Inflammation and Pain

Do you ever wake up feeling like you haven’t slept all night or with joints that hurt as you struggle out of bed? Me too.

These discomforts may be caused by ‘inflammaging’, chronic low-grade inflammation common in older adults, even in the absence of infection. Other possible symptoms of inflammaging are fatigue, a low fever, abdominal and/or chest pain. Read More