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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

8 months ago

Your Pelvis Sets the Stage (Literally) for a Healthy Upright Spine at Any Age (Simple Exercises!)

It’s rare to find people in our society, especially past a certain age, who sit or stand with a fully-elongated, upright spine. In fact, chronic rounding of the spine…

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8 months ago

There’s More to Healthy Bones Than Calcium!

Bone weakening and osteoporosis are common problems for everyone over 60 but especially for postmenopausal women over the age of 65. Luckily, there are things you can do preserve your bones and make them healthier, regardless of your age…

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9 months ago

Are You at Risk of Diabetes? These 5 Tests Are Sure to Reveal an Issue

You have probably heard of metabolic syndrome, the precursor to Type 2 diabetes. But do you know how doctors define that? If anyone in your family has suffered from Type 2 diabetes, then you are more likely to be at risk. But there are also three…

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9 months ago

What If You Did Not Have a Choice to Age Well?

A new year is upon us. Yes, that means the hands of time are moving as they have throughout eternity. For those of us who are in the sunset and twilight of our lives, we recognize that sooner than later time ticks toward the midnight hour…

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9 months ago

18 Best Eyeglass Frames for Women Over 50

Do you wear glasses? Even if you have had 20/20 vision your whole life, chances are that you may have eyesight issues as you get older and most probably need reading glasses. Or maybe you have been wearing prescription glasses forever…

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9 months ago

Why Is Being Over 60 the Perfect Time for Health Improvement?

I love the thought of us embracing our age and all of the wonderful parts of having lived these years. In fact, there has never been a better time to go after what we want, especially when it comes to health improvement. We may not realize it…

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9 months ago

10 Reasons to Have a Dry January

Did you know that 20% of regular drinkers will become alcohol dependent over the years? That’s why it makes so much sense to take regular breaks to check your dependency. The easiest way to do that is simply to take a break from alcohol – for at least a month…

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9 months ago

7 Ways to Manage Varicose Veins

Noticing varicose veins in the mirror can be upsetting for some. While they aren’t exactly the most welcome companion, there’s often a way to deal with them so you can feel more confident. But what are varicose veins and how can you…

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9 months ago

3 Reasons to Stay Active During the Holidays (VIDEO)

Have you found that you lose the motivation to exercise during the holidays? When your routine changes for Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holidays, does your exercise routine fall by the wayside? Many people find they lose their regular exercise…

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9 months ago

6 Surprising Ways Herbal Remedies Can Benefit Your Body After 60

When I begin a conversation about the benefits of herbs and herb oils for the body, people unfamiliar with my work assume I am talking about a culinary approach. They are partly correct. Herbs do offer texture to dishes and add flavor, but they…

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