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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

5 years ago

Want to Achieve Lifelong Wellness After 60? Follow These 5 Steps!

Modern medicine has a way of keeping us alive even when our health is terrible. The United States Census Bureau reported that the 90-year-old are among the fastest growing demographic. Read More

5 years ago

How to Stay Cool in the Summer Heat: 6 Tips for Senior Women

Summer is in full swing and with it comes the hot weather. The National Weather Service generally initiates alert procedures when the Heat Index is above 105 degrees Fahrenheit for two consecutive days…

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5 years ago

Summer Too Hot to Handle? How to Avoid Heat Stroke as an Older Adult

Every year at around this time, we start to see stories about older adults suffering from heat stroke. Unfortunately, if the climate experts are right, this problem is only going to get worse for our generation in the coming decades. Read More

5 years ago

Valerie Ramsey, 80-Year-Old Model Shares Her Healthy Aging Tips

Every woman deserves to look good and feel good. Of course, as we age our quest for beauty might take a bit more effort than we’re used to. Nonetheless, women can learn to recognize the beauty of aging…

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5 years ago

Fall Prevention After 60: How to Stay on Your Feet and Out of the Hospital

Fall prevention isn’t just for the “super old.” In fact, according to my guest, Dr. Leslie, every person over the age of 60 should be thinking about how to maintain their balance and avoid fall-related injuries. As someone who has had her share of falls, I couldn’t agree more! Join us as we discuss the importance of fall prevention after 60.
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5 years ago

Want to Improve Your Health Past 60? Take a Cruise!

Did you just do a double take after reading this title? If you did, it would be totally understandable. After all, when you hear “cruise,” you probably think of endless buffets, dozing under the sun…

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5 years ago

10 Facial Acupressure Exercises for Older Women

Will older women benefit from facial acupressure exercises? Absolutely! Whether women want to fight the signs of aging, reduce stress and tension, or improve their complexion, facial acupressure will help them…

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5 years ago

It’s Time to Rethink the “an Aspirin-a-Day for Heart Health” Strategy

Aspirin is probably one of the safest, most used, and well-known painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications around. Most of us grew up with it in the family medicine cabinet. Read More

5 years ago

The Benefits of Practicing Mudra Hand Gestures in Your 60s

For thousands of years, people have been using mudra or hand gestures to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Anyone can benefit from practicing mudra, even women who are 60 years old and over…

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5 years ago

How Going on a Retreat Reinvigorates Your Life After 60

Women our age have grown up to believe it can be selfish to make time just for us. A lot of us have lived 50 years or more with the mindset that we’re the glue that holds everyone together; that, without us, things would literally fall apart. Read More