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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

5 years ago

3 Mindsets Preventing You from Meeting and Surpassing Your Health Goals at 60 and Beyond

Have you ever set health goals that you just can’t seem to reach? Maybe nothing you do makes you feel like you’re making meaningful progress? If so, you aren’t alone…

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5 years ago

10 Flu Prevention Tips for Seniors: What to Do When Your Partner Is Sick

Flu viruses are most common during the fall and winter months, and adults over 65 are typically more susceptible to complications. Read More

5 years ago

How to Avoid Getting Sick Over the Holidays: 2 Simple Tips for Women Over 55

Ever wonder why, especially in the years after 55, it never fails that you get sick over the holidays? You are barely holding on and then everything hits the wall, including you. The holidays – with all of the festivities and cheer they hold for us, our children and grandchildren…

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5 years ago

4 Ways Getting a Health Screening Changed My Life… Even Though I Was Healthy

I’ve always been a worrier. I get concerned when my kids don’t check in for a few days, even though they are adults with their own families. And, when it comes to my health, I’ll be the first to admit that I have spent more than one restless night consulting with “Dr. Google” about symptoms, which, in hindsight were totally benign…

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5 years ago

12 Ways to Deal with Chronic Pain After 50 – Without Medication!

The concept of pain is easy to grasp yet surprisingly difficult to understand. We all think that we know what pain is. After all, from the time that we were toddlers, we have experienced pain in many ways.  Read More

5 years ago

5 Natural Ways to Fight the Flu This Winter

Autumn brings beautiful fall colors, cooler temperatures, and the dreaded cold and flu. While you can somewhat protect yourself against the flu with a shot, there’s no vaccine for the common cold…

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5 years ago

The Exercise-Memory Connection We Can’t Ignore as 60 Comes and Goes

The other day, I was having a particularly enthusiastic conversation with a dear friend in his 70s over his latest short story. An avid writer, he delighted in sharing with me how his main character was developing…

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5 years ago

Find Your Tribe: Reach Your Goals with a Healthy Aging Community

In the US, a staggering 28% of adults over the age of 65 live alone. In recent years, a substantial amount of research has found that isolation in our later years increases the risk of adverse health events…

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5 years ago

How Do They Do It? 4 Things I Learned from Near-Centenarians Competing at the Senior Olympics

I’ve had several months to absorb the experience of competing in the National Senior Games this summer. What continues to come to mind has nothing to do particularly with my events…

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5 years ago

Having Trouble Sticking with Balance Exercises for Seniors? This One Trick Will Help!

Just like exercise and good nutrition, we all know that balance exercises for seniors are important. As a 70-year-old woman, I don’t consider myself “old” and I certainly don’t feel like a “senior” but I also understand that I am getting to an age where falls are a very real danger. Read More