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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

4 years ago

How to Overcome Boomer Hearing Challenges in a Masked World

Many baby boomers have some degree of hearing loss. In fact, by the time we reach age 70, about 70 percent of us will suffer a decline in our hearing acuity. And by 2030, some 50 million boomers are expected to have hearing loss…

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4 years ago

Chicken Soup for the Immune System

My wife is recovering from the flu. I know she is feeling better because she is bustling around the kitchen making her grandmother’s chicken soup, a highly guarded secret recipe. Then she suddenly turns to me and asks, “Where exactly…

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4 years ago

Here’s Why Most Doctors Don’t Know About the Best Treatment for Incontinence

If you have tried to discuss any form of incontinence with your doctors and received mostly blank stares in return, you are not alone. Over the past 20 years, I have come to realize that the treatment of bowel and bladder control problems…

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4 years ago

Enjoy the Merits of Turmeric for a High Quality of Life After 60

As a Heath Educator in Plant Based Nutrition, I am interested (some would say obsessed) in using helpful spices and herbs in culinary quantities. These are familiar kitchen ingredients that we use for delicious tastes, but they also…

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4 years ago

Breast Cancer Can Happen to Any Woman – Can You Be a Survivor?

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which, for me, is another reminder that it’s been more than two decades since my diagnosis in 2000. Back then, one in five women was affected. Today, the American Cancer Society claims…

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4 years ago

How Modern Technology Is Solving the Problem of Incontinence

It likely began mildly, years ago, with a few small accidents here and there. Over time, dealing with the symptoms of incontinence – the pads, the change of clothes, the keen awareness of the closest bathroom…

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4 years ago

The Signs of Ovarian Cancer Every Woman Must Know

The American Cancer Society estimates ovarian cancer will strike more than 22,000 women in the United States this year. And 14,000 of those women will die. Ovarian cancer is difficult to detect in its early stages are challenging…

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4 years ago

Oh, My Aching Feet! Why I FINALLY Decided to Toss My Heels

At a gathering with women friends, our discussion ran to the unglamorous topic of feet. You know, this little piggie and all that. I had to chuckle as we raved about the comfort of our less-than-fashionable footwear. Read More

4 years ago

Happy, Healthy, and Post-Menopausal

Do you remember when sport was actually fun? The days when getting out and playing sports with our friends was effortless and we were full of energy seem like a long time ago! Staying healthy when we were 16 was definitely fun…

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4 years ago

3 Powerful Supplements for Boosting Health After Age 60

We all know that a few lifestyle basics go a long way in our quest to stay healthy, vibrant, and fit. The ones that top the list are a wholesome diet, regular exercise, and quality sleep. Together, they build a solid foundation…

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