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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

4 years ago

What’s All the Hullabaloo about Mindfulness Meditation?

I sit on my living room floor, in front of the fire, after my morning tea. This is my time; time to slow my breath, relax my body and just be present. This is my way of soothing my mind and releasing the tension in my body. Nothing fancy…

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4 years ago

The Best Medicine of All Time: Laughter

When did you have your last good laugh? As we leave 2020 behind with all its tribulations, let’s ring in the new year with a bit of laughter. For all cultures, laughing has been a way to make it through hard times. Last March, Sixty and Me published…

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4 years ago

So How Are You Using Your Covid Quarantine Time?

At 78 years old, my friend Dee (not her real name) has just lost 45 pounds, is working on her teeth, finished writing three novels and countless short stories, and vastly improved her fitness. All under quarantine…

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4 years ago

Oxygen’s Many Benefits for Boomer Health

Recently, I came across the phrase “Rule of Threes.” It refers to the relative importance of water, oxygen, and food to our survival. While not a hard-and-fast rule, it says that the average person can go three weeks without food…

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4 years ago

Easy 2-Minute Knee Massage to Relieve Pain in the Back of the Knee

Do you suffer from pain in the back of the knee? One of the most common culprits is the popliteus muscle. This small, triangle shaped muscle lives just behind the knee. Every day, it helps stabilize and bend your knee. But what happens…

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4 years ago

Matcha Green Tea – A Tasty Key to Healthy Aging Skin (3 Recipes Included!)

Every day, environmental factors cause unavoidable stress to our bodies, from the toxins in the food we eat, to exposure to the sun, air pollution, and general wear. These stressors produce free radicals, which can damage…

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4 years ago

Caring for Yourself While Caring for Another: 6 Critical Self-Care Practices

At some point in your life, you may be called to accept the role of caregiver for a dear friend or family member. And when you do, will you be prepared to make self-care a priority? My mom and I were very close and enjoyed a long…

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4 years ago

5 Common Symptoms of Menopause and What to Do About Them

At an online summit I hosted, I interviewed 15 women who found relief from their menopause symptoms by making simple diet and lifestyle changes. These women did not accept hot flashes, weight gain, and lack of energy…

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4 years ago

Set Your Desire on Fire (At Any Age!)

I like affection. Maybe it’s my European heritage, but hugging, kissing, and public displays of affection have always been part of my life. I have never shied away from giving my wife a little kiss or cuddle in public!

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4 years ago

Social Media, Emotional Residue, and Friendships

If you Google emotional residue it talks about the scientific study of how strong emotions in a space can be detected by others even after the person feeling the emotion is no longer there. The whole concept of “bad vibes” appears…

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