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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

3 years ago

Your Third Chakra and Aging: Manipura and Growing Younger Gracefully

The seven Chakras provide us with a wonderful road map for how to age gracefully. Each chakra is reflective of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state of being. We can shift what might be out of alignment with breath, presence, awareness…

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3 years ago

The Secret Power of Water and Why Boomers Can Benefit from It

While many of us crave for the secret sauce that will cause us to lose weight and have more energy, one item is often overlooked, and it is the simplest of all – pure water. You may hear that pomegranate juice, or grapefruit, or most recently, celery juice…

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3 years ago

Why Healthy Breathing Is So Scarce in Today’s World

In his recent book Breath, the New Science of a Lost Art, author James Nestor is on a quest for a more healthy breath. In the process he takes us on a historic tour of the formation of the human face. While he digs deep into the technical side of various…

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3 years ago

Boomers and Bongs – How Safe Is Medical Marijuana for Older Adults?

I read a tongue-in-cheek quip the other day that said, “Talk with your grandparents about marijuana – before somebody else does.” While this is clearly a clever play on the slogan from years gone by aimed at keeping kids off drugs…

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3 years ago

Extra Healthcare Benefits for Boomers that You Might Not Know About

We all know our basic healthcare rights. Whether you live in the US or the UK, your fundamental rights are clear: high-quality care, access to services, nationally approved treatments, consent and confidentiality, and the ability to make informed choices…

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3 years ago

How a Shift in Perspective Can Improve Your Health and Longevity

The day I had to take the car keys away from my mother was traumatic. For both of us. Coming home from doing errands, my mom missed the driveway entirely and drove right up onto the front lawn. Mortified, she announced to me, “Your father’s going to kill me.”

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3 years ago

How I Supported the Significant Lady in My Life Through Menopause

As someone who has worked in the health care profession for more than 40 years, I’m no stranger to being asked for my professional advice on all sorts of health issues. With so much information available these days, making the right decisions…

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3 years ago

Walking Well: How to Avoid Tripping on Uneven Ground or Broken Paving (VIDEO)

You probably learnt to walk 60 or 70 years ago and haven’t given it much thought since. It’s just something we do every day! So, thinking about how you walk is strange, and the idea of practising walking will seem quite odd. However, if you don’t feel…

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3 years ago

Are You Waiting for That Metaphorical Block of Concrete in the Sky?

By the time you are in your mid-70s and there has been no major health crisis, you know you have been lucky. If you have a spouse (or partner) and ‘you’ means both of you, you know you have been doubly lucky. Now aged 79 and my husband aged 80…

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3 years ago

Best Multivitamins and Supplements for Women Over 50

Are you considering adding supplements or a multivitamin to your daily regimen? Even if we eat a balanced diet and take care of ourselves, we may need to supplement with vitamins and minerals as we age. Vitamin deficiencies may creep up…

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