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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

3 years ago

Do Antidepressant Medications Cause Obesity?

It’s a terrible cycle – depression can lead to inactivity, loss of motivation, unhealthy eating habits, and weight gain, all of which can perpetuate feelings of depression. And while there is no doubt that pharmaceutical treatments for depression…

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3 years ago

What Women Should Know When Considering Hormone Replacement Therapy

Whether it’s for menopausal symptoms or decreasing the risk of UTIs and incontinence, hormone replacement therapy can be a solution for many issues women experience throughout their life. With that said, women interested…

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3 years ago

How to Bravely Face the Stranger in the Mirror

I think someone must have replaced my mirror with one of those funhouse mirrors. You know, the ones that distort your reflection into all sorts of odd configurations? The only problem is that it’s not that funny! Some days I find myself struggling…

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3 years ago

Don’t Ignore Your Posture! 5 Ways to Get Your Healthy Back Back

Especially in your 60s, with the weight of becoming a ‘senior’ bearing down a life of working and raising a family at a plateau, your back can buckle under the pressure. Bad posture doesn’t just simply look bad, though…

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3 years ago

It’s Time to Normalize Menopause in Society

Did you know that 73% of women who experience menopause in the United States do not treat their symptoms? While over in the United Kingdom, surveys show that 1 in 4 women actually consider resigning during menopause…

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3 years ago

Why Setting Goals Is Sometimes the Worst Thing You Can Do

Back in the 1980s, when I was in my 20s, I decided to do a 2-day, 150-mile bike ride from Houston to Austin, Texas. I bought a bike (yes, I didn’t even have a bike at the time) and trained for months with a group of friends who were…

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3 years ago

How to Appreciate the Power of Stillness and Being Present

You know how you can flip through a calendar and certain dates jump out at you because of their personal significance? For me, November 8th never did, that is until the night I found myself under the blaze of emergency room lights in a hypertensive…

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3 years ago

Menopausal Issues Past 60? This Is Actually Normal

Let me start by saying sweats, flushes, flashes, whatever you want to call these side-effects of menopause, can last through to your 80s. You didn’t want to hear that, but it’s true. At 73 I still have hot flushes and they’re as bad now as back in my 50s. Why? The menopause just doesn’t know […]

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3 years ago

3 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism After 60

If you have gained a bit of weight (or more) over the past few years and you feel like it is an inevitable part of aging, let me tell you this is untrue. If, no matter what diet you have tried, the stubborn pounds just won’t leave you, read on… 

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3 years ago

The Best of Times or the Worst of Times

For some, the times have never been better, and for many the times have never been worse. The stress of living through a global pandemic with all its fallout, namely political, family, relationship and health care philosophy divisions…

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