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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

6 months ago

Beauty Starts at Your Feet! 4 Ways to Care for Your Feet After 60 (And 6 Painful Conditions to Avoid)

For women, the question “Do I look good?” points at appearance, body shape, face, and hair. We use make-up and skin care to hide blemishes, change our facial color, accentuate the eyes and mouth…

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6 months ago

How to Relieve the Woes of Back Pain with 4 Exercises (and 3 Mistakes You Should Never Make)

Back pain tends to be one of the most common issues people over 60 face, and it’s due to the degeneration of joints in the spine. Some of the most common causes…

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7 months ago

Are You Ready to Take a Break – from Alcohol?

Many of us start drinking during our 20s and 30s – to socialise and have fun. As we get older, some of us switch to using a glass (or two) or wine in the evening to relax or to relieve stress. The evolution from “socialising” to “self-medicating” has begun…

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7 months ago

Have You Heard of the Handgrip Dynamometer Strength Test? It Can Influence Your Future!

Throughout our lives we participate in various health/medical screenings to see if we have, or are at risk for developing, certain health conditions or diseases. We participate in screenings for our blood pressure, glucose levels, cholesterol values…

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7 months ago

5 Ways to Look More Youthful (Without Trying to Look 29!)

Women get a bad rap as they age. It had nothing to do with you, your worth, or your beauty. Aged beauty is still beauty! It is all about society and the unrealistic expectations it has for any woman. But especially aging women…

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7 months ago

Aromatherapy and Memory: Enhancing Cognitive Function Naturally

As we age, it’s natural to experience some changes in our cognitive function. For some people, it could be memory lapses; for others, difficulty concentrating or slower thinking. All of these can influence our lives to an extent…

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7 months ago

Are We Over-Estimating Our Alzheimer’s Risk? It Depends… 

We seem to be inundated with stories of doom and gloom on the likelihood of our acquiring Alzheimer’s or any other form of dementia. In fact, if you listen to the varied and disparate reports we seem to be inundated with lately…

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7 months ago

Technology Tales: DEXA Scan, More than Bone Density

A DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scan is well-known and highly regarded for its detailed assessments of bone health. Most of us have heard of it, and many have had one. But there’s far more to a scan than bone density…

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7 months ago

Take Big Strides to Feel Confident When You Walk

If you’re starting to notice your balance when you walk, and perhaps feel unsteady on occasions, then you’ll know that this can affect your enjoyment of walking. As a specialist exercise instructor, I’ve helped hundreds of people to feel steadier…

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7 months ago

Managing Inflammation Leads to Healthier Bones

Inflammation is your body’s favorite companion, sometimes. Realistically, you can’t live without it, but when it becomes too clingy you can’t live with it either. In the short term, inflammation comes to the rescue when you have a minor infection or injury…

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