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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

2 years ago

How Important Is It to Take Care of Your Physical Health After 60? Part 3: Teeth

I was recently sitting at a dinner table in Vietnam with fellow tourists on one of our first nights together. The woman sitting next to me said something I didn’t hear because I was distracted by the poor condition of her teeth…

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2 years ago

Preventative Health Screenings: Are They Right for Me?

You’ve probably received them in the mail. Those colorful flyers from companies that advertise a variety of preventative health screenings. I used to think they were scams and immediately tossed the flyers into the wastebasket…

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2 years ago

5 Tips for Turning Your Caregiver Duties from Burdens to Opportunities

Are you a family caregiver to a loved one? Many are. In fact, nearly 40 million Americans are caregivers. Six in 10 are employed while juggling caregiving. And a surprising 25% of family caregivers are Millennials…

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2 years ago

How Important It Is to Take Care of Your Physical Health After 60? Part 2: Hearing

When I was in high school and a smart-aleck with my friends, we used to tease my dad because of his hearing loss. Thank goodness he had a great sense of humor and a knowing sense of self…

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2 years ago

The Rainbow Really Does Lead to a Pot of Gold!

The whole premise of my education business, Mind Money Motion, is that the more we take care of our mind and body, the less we have to worry about running out of money… because good health costs less…

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2 years ago

Don’t Wait! Here Are 5 Ways to Take Charge of Your Health After 50

For many years, I suffered pain in my joints, insomnia and bouts of gastric distress. I was overweight and stressed. I talked to my doctor about my pain and symptoms, and her response was, “Lois, you’re getting older. It’s osteoarthritis…

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2 years ago

6 Solutions to a Common, Yet Embarrassing Problem

We joke about it. Sometimes we’re embarrassed by it. But we all do it, so we might as well talk about it. I’m referring to something that goes by a variety of names: gas, flatus, wind, farts. You all know what I mean!

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2 years ago

How Important Is It to Take Care of Your Physical Health After 60? Part 1: The Eyes

Entering your 60s can be overwhelming when it comes to feeling that your body is falling apart. You imagine all sorts of failures and laugh and joke about them with friends…

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2 years ago

5 Tips to Thrive After 55 this Summer!

You want to feel strong and confident in your body and clear in your mind this summer! Summertime can be a fun time but also your schedule may be all over the place. From travel to other invitations, it can be hard to feel your best when we lose…

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2 years ago

The Inner Game of Preventing Falls

Falls are a real risk for those of us over 60. Recently, Ivana Trump died from a fall at home. According to a 2018 Centers for Disease Control report, 35.6 million falls occurred among those 65 and older. These resulted in injuries for 8.4 million of the cases…

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