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How important are your grandchildren to you? Whether you are a grandparent raising grandchildren or you just like to help out from time to time, we can help you to build a better relationship with your grandkids.

3 years ago

How Watershed Moments Come to Define Our Lives

We all have watershed moments in the course of our lives. Days when, from then on, things become notably different. The day you left home, the day you got married (or moved in together), the day you had your first child – all days signifying…

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3 years ago

Books to Help Your Grandchildren Polish Their Social Skills in Time for School

School is right around the corner for your grandchildren. The start of school can be challenging in a typical year, but this is not the usual start of school. Many children have been learning remotely and will have to adjust to being with classmates again. Every year, countless back-to-school books flood the market, but many […]

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3 years ago

Is It Time to Plan a Family Legacy Trip?

A family legacy trip is any trip you take with your grandchildren that shares and builds a sense of family history with them. Ideally, it’s a skip-gen variety where it is just you and them! Apart from the fun you will have, studies have shown that children…

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3 years ago

What Simple Stories Can Teach Grandchildren About Money

If you are a grandmother, did your kids ask you how you wanted to be addressed by the grandchildren: grandma, mimi, memaw, etc? Never having thought about that question (since both my grandparents and my husband’s were always…

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3 years ago

Are You Happy with How Your Grandchildren Are Being Raised?

As your children take that giant step of becoming parents themselves, what do you feel about how they are doing? Some grandmothers are highly impressed with the way their grandchildren are being brought up. Others are disappointed…

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3 years ago

Yes, You Can! Skip-Gen Travel for Full-Time Caregivers

Many people assume travel is something you must forego if you are the full-time caregiver for another person. Not so! With a little creativity and willingness to reach out, not only can you take an occasional trip – you must…

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3 years ago

Musings on Being a Grandmother in a Strange World

My oldest grandchild just turned five, and since he was born, I have been blessed with four more grandchildren. Becoming a grandparent has been a magical experience for me. I never knew that it would elicit an entirely new set of thoughts and emotions…

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3 years ago

Game Changers Among Meds: Birth Control Pill and Covid Vaccine

I have spent my 67 years residing in the state of Florida. I have to live with the fact my state is the punch line of late-night talk show jokes more frequently than other states. Our mythical mascot is “Florida Man” whose bizarre real-world antics personify…

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3 years ago

The Trauma After a Grandchild’s Death by Suicide

My 15-year-old grandson died by suicide six weeks ago. At 3pm, six weeks ago, I was wondering how many of the delicious cookies that I’d just baked I could eat. By 5pm, my whole world had changed for ever. To say life is now difficult is a complete…

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3 years ago

Grandparents to the Rescue! Save Your Grandchildren from the Summer Reading Slump

Summer means an escape from the rigid schedule and dedicated study that school imposes – a time to have fun. However, exploring and expanding knowledge through reading should continue year-round. As grandparents, you can make reading…

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