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How important are your grandchildren to you? Whether you are a grandparent raising grandchildren or you just like to help out from time to time, we can help you to build a better relationship with your grandkids.

2 years ago

Discovering the Power of Words in 4 Generations of Women

I’m pretty psyched. I completed what turned out to be the fourth or even fifth, actually more likely the fifteenth, set of revisions on my book. It has been a three-year project, and I have my community to thank for this feat…

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2 years ago

What Advice Would You Give to Your Graduating Grandchildren?

We always think holiday time in November and December is so busy, but if you are a parent or grandparent, have you ever realized how busy summer is? Last days of school, finals, graduations, Memorial Day, vacations, 4th of July… whew!

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2 years ago

Getting on with the Other Grandparents

You have just become a grandmother – or perhaps you have been one for a long time. It is so very exciting to have a new baby in your life. Not to mention all the other stages, from toddlers right on up. But one thing you will have noticed is that…

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2 years ago

5 Ways to Help Your Grandchildren Recover from Losing a Pet

There are many ways that you can support your grandchild with pet loss. Your grandchild may look to you to help them through their feelings of grief and mourning, to help them understand that death is normal. These five tips…

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2 years ago

4 Quick and Simple Ways to Make Your Home Safe for Your Grandkids

Let me share a story which, in retrospect, was one of our scariest moments as parents of a then three-year-old. The experience began innocently enough when my wife Judy, our son Michael, and I visited…

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2 years ago

Have You Told Your Grandchild Their Backstory? You Should!

When our first grandchild was born, I was enveloped with the sense of continuity, similar to the feeling that I had when my first child was born. I could almost viscerally feel the past flowing through me to the future, to him…

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3 years ago

Why Your Children and Grandchildren Should Avoid Student Loans

Graduation time is here, and families will join to celebrate an important milestone in the lives of their graduates. Mixed with all the elaborate pomp and circumstance should be the harsh reality that student loans could make them indentured victims…

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3 years ago

Finding – And Appreciating – Little Miracles in the Midst of a Crazy World

Sometimes, experiencing a “little miracle” through the eyes of a child can restore hope and renew our faith in the goodness of life as well. I recently had such an experience with two of my granddaughters…

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3 years ago

Legacy Letters: An Updated Patriarchal Tradition Giving Women a Voice Today

A legacy letter translates your personal and family stories and values into life lessons and wisdom that can inform and transform the younger and future generations. Your letter can also express your hopes, blessings, explanations, forgiveness and gratitude…

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3 years ago

Reminiscing About Distant Grandchildren

When my first grandson was born nearly 16 years ago, I was busy with my work and my own life. His parents lived an hour away from my house, which made two hours travelling if I did the round trip on the same day…

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