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Giving Back and Volunteering

After 4 or more decades in the workforce, many women over 60 are deciding to spend more time volunteering in retirement. This is a win-win situation. Giving back provides us with a sense of purpose, while we enrich the lives of those around us.

9 years ago

Why Not Make a Difference in a Young Woman’s Life by Being a Mentor?

As women, we live complex and wonderful lives and accumulate wisdom through a wide range of experiences. The strange thing is that we sometimes don’t realize how much we’ve learned until we speak with a younger person and realize they are struggling with issues that we dealt with years ago. It’s not that we have all of the answers, but, we do have some perspective. Read More

10 years ago

Wondering What to Do in Retirement? Why Not Start With a Volunteer Vacation?

Retirement is wonderful. You’re able to say goodbye to long commutes, boring meetings and late nights at the office. You have plenty of time to do the things you enjoy. But what if plenty of time is actually too much time? Read More

10 years ago

Feeling Alone? These 6 Volunteering Websites Will Help You Make Friends

Loneliness is a huge issue for Baby Boomer women. Many women in their 60s are living alone and, while some of these women are enjoying their new found independence, others find themselves feeling like their lives lack purpose or direction without close social ties. In fact, in a recent Sixty and Me survey, 75% of the women in our community said that they are feeling alone. Read More

10 years ago

4 Ways Volunteering May be Help to Deal with Loneliness

One of the most important things that I learned from our survey on loneliness is that people who are dealing with loneliness are not starved for interaction – they are starved for intimacy. I don’t mean intimacy in a purely romantic or physical sense. Read More

10 years ago

Number of Senior Volunteers on the Rise As Boomers Reach Retirement

One of the stereotypes about baby boomers is that we are selfish and unwilling to help others. In reality, the number of senior volunteers is increasing, according to this New York Times report. So, it looks like our generation is more willing to help than we get credit for. Read More

10 years ago

Why Are Women Over 60 More Comfortable Giving Gifts than Receiving them?

Gift giving is a true art – one that most women over 60 have perfected over the years. We have bought gifts for our children, husbands, friends, teachers, nurses, mailmen, and even the neighbor’s dog.

We like to thank people, because we know what it means to be appreciated. We understand that the value of a gift is not measured by what it costs, but in the planning and thoughtfulness that went into the purchase. You know that old phrase. Read More