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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

7 years ago

4 Powerful Steps to Thriving in Your 50s and 60s

Are you in your 50s or 60s, thinking about what’s ahead in the next couple of years? Your children are off to college. You have a new sense of freedom. Read More

7 years ago

The Surprising Truth About Living to 100? Focus on These Two Things First!

If I were to ask you to share the secret of living to 100, what would you say? Would you recommend exercising more? Moving to the country, where the air is fresher? Losing weight? Eating better? Read More

7 years ago

Are You Being Ageist… to Yourself? Here’s How it Affects How Others View You

Recently, a colleague and I were discussing the impact of personal ageism on older adult health beliefs, and behaviors. We also talked about the way ageism impacts how older adults are viewed by others…

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7 years ago

At 65, Liam Neeson Says He Still Feels 40… How Old Do You Feel Inside?

One of the funny things about getting older is that you always feel younger on the inside. In my case, I sometimes feel like a 25-year-old in a 70-year-old’s body. How about you? Read More

7 years ago

Aging Ain’t What it Used to Be… Let’s Change Aging Perceptions Together!

I once had a speech student who argued that drivers over 60 were putting everyone else on the road at risk. He then proposed that any ‘old’ person over 60 should be forced to reapply for their driver’s license and have additional restrictions on where ‘old’ people could drive if they earned a new license. Read More

7 years ago

6 Life Adjustments for a Purposeful Older Age

Life recedes as we age. At first, you don’t realize it. One day you’re 40 and at the top of your game, and then 20 years have sped by. Suddenly, you wake up and it’s a young people’s world. Read More

7 years ago

Navigating the New 60: How to Become Your Next Best Self

I am closing in on my 60th birthday, and I am excited to be facing a new decade. Why? Because I see this big benchmark birthday as an opportunity to transition to my next, best self. Read More

7 years ago

After the Storm – Facing Unexpected Adversity as We Age

This summer, devastating hurricanes tore up the Caribbean, drenched Texas and chewed through the entire state of Florida. Harvey, Irma and Maria aren’t the newsmakers they were just weeks ago, but the effects of these storms have changed lives. Read More

7 years ago

Road Scholar’s #ageadventurously Campaign Challenges Boomers to Think Differently About Growing Older

In 2017, Road Scholar, the not-for-profit educational travel organization, has initiated an exciting new social media movement designed to invite the world to think differently about growing older. Read More

7 years ago

Why is Ageism the Last Acceptable “Ism,” and What Can We Do About it?

Every time I hear a story about a woman who lost her job in her 60s, despite being a high-performer, I ask myself, “why the heck is ageism the last acceptable ism?” Why is it that almost every other group is protected (at least in theory) from discrimination, but, older adults are treated like disposable objects by companies around the world? Join Dr. Bill Thomas and I as we discuss ageism… and what to do about it. Read More