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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

6 years ago

4 Hidden Truths About Aging That Could Be Hurting Your Potential

Afraid of the aging process?

Aging is certainly not glamorized in the media and there’s even some ageism ingrained in our pop culture, so don’t fret if you are indeed afraid. You’re not alone. Read More

6 years ago

Are You Looking Back or Living Forward in Your 60s?

Conflict is a part of life. Few of us live without it. But what if conflicts from your past are interfering with your moving forward?

Conflict is never an easy thing to deal with, but old, deeply rooted disagreements can really affect your body, mind and spirit. Read More

6 years ago

Living with Chronic Illness? A New Christmas Tree Mindset Approach Helps to Age Well Regardless

Have your Christmas tree traditions changed over the years? Many of my friends have opted for artificial trees for ease and cost. This, at first, does make sense since they use the artificial trees year after year. Read More

6 years ago

My Awkward Aging Story: How Denial Played a Trick on Me

I hate to brag, but I consider myself a world-class thrifter and consignment shop guru. It’s all I can do to contain myself when a psychotherapy client tells me about their thrifting adventures – I want to trade stories of our conquests and even run up to my closet for a quick show and tell. Read More

6 years ago

4 Real Qualities That Can Make Us Beautiful in Our Own Aged Eyes

While taking a break one afternoon from the physical and mental gymnastics that only a cross-country move can produce, I took the time to read an article about a 58-year-old actress who was ‘rockin’’ a swimsuit…

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6 years ago

60 and the Seasons of Life

There have been many articles, quotes and poems written about the seasons of life. Beginning with spring through summer, into autumn and finally winter, the comparisons can be a plethora of ideas regarding change through time. Read More

6 years ago

Let’s Explore 3 A’s of Aging Well

Aging well is a lot like a spiritual practice. It requires awareness, discipline and focus to move through the third chapter of life with some grace and a little bit of mischievous disgrace. Read More

6 years ago

Skynet or Safety Net? Can Robots Help Older Adults to Live Happier, Healthier Lives? You Bet!

When I first saw the movie “Her”, about a man who falls in love with an intelligent computer operating system, I knew the world of human relationships was going through a fascinating social transformation. The bizarre thing was that as I watched the movie, I started to understand and appreciate the positive aspects of having “someone” care about you – even if they were not real. Read More

6 years ago

6 Major Areas of Life Affected by Retirement and Aging

Why is it that people are reluctant to plan for retirement? The average person spends more time planning an overseas holiday than they do retirement.

Is it because the word retirement conjures up images of growing old and dying? Or do we minimize the importance of planning because we perceive retirement as an eternal holiday? Read More

6 years ago

How Do You Really Feel About Your Age?

In the summer months, they crowd the waiting area where I get my hair trimmed. They are filled with laughter and secrets and a great deal of joy.

When I see them, I know immediately that they are either bachelorettes out for a day of primping and camaraderie or they’re getting ready for a wedding that’s about to happen. Read More