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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

6 years ago

Learning a New Language: A Researched Method to Prevent Dementia

Sometimes, I find myself doing something and then discover that all around me, friends are doing a similar thing. It was like that with eating Brussel sprouts… Read More

6 years ago

The 20-Year Calendar: Where Will YOU Be in 2039?

As I walked through the small conference of meeting planners and destination managers at the Denver Conference Center, I noticed the high quality of swag. Read More

6 years ago

4 Qualities That Help You to Embrace Aging

Aging. It’s happening and it’s weird. Some days I am relaxed in the process of it. Other days I am Don Friggin’ Quixote, battling the windmills with Pilates classes, hiking, and an overabundance of green salads and coconut water. Read More

6 years ago

These Older Models Prove that Beauty Doesn’t Have an Expiration Date (Pictures)

Oldushka is a fascinating name for a modeling agency for older adults. It’s a funny blend of English and Russian that you would really only “get” if you had lived in both Russia and the West for some of your life. Read More

6 years ago

The Hidden Health Sabotage of Older Age: Follow These 3 Tips to Help You Navigate Through It

It’s January. The holiday festivities and pressures are behind us and a new year stretches to the horizon – one filled with possibilities. It’s natural to think of new beginnings or re-commit to goals this time of year. Have you considered how specifically you’ll move closer to your goals?

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6 years ago

Should I Trust a Physician’s Assistant? The Case for a Growing Field of Health Experts

Dr. W, an orthopedic surgeon, leaned towards me and launched into a lecture.

“We can’t determine what you need without an x-ray,” he barked, cutting me off in mid-sentence. Read More

6 years ago

What Does it Really Mean to be in the “Sandwich Generation”

Are we the generation which had it all?

The bra-burning brigade of the 1960s led us to believe we could have everything we wanted – a fabulous job, a happy family, a beautiful home, leisure time by the bucket-load because of all the labour-saving gadgets, good health, cars, holidays – you name it, it was ours for the taking. Read More

6 years ago

How Dancing Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Well-Being After 60

Have you ever been listening to music as you’re fixing dinner or doing dishes, and found yourself doing the “two-step” or just “movin’ to the groove”? Well, whatever you called it, you were doing something potentially very beneficial for your body and mind. Read More

6 years ago

Is Age Relevant After 60?

A year ago, I turned 60. It was a big day for me. Over the past three decades, I planned events celebrating each birthday by challenging myself to accomplish something I had not done before. Read More

6 years ago

9 Herbs and Spices that Can Add Excitement to Your Life After 60

I recently came across a quote which stated that “aging can be fun if you lay back and enjoy it.” I thought about it for a while and concluded how wrong this thinking is. Read More