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Gardening - indoors or outdoors - can be a wonderful hobby for women of all ages.

7 months ago

Preparing Your Backyard for Spring Planting

Having the right plants makes gardening much easier. Still, they can’t do all the work for you. Every garden requires a lot of preparation and maintenance. And pretty soon, you will be caught up in a frenzy of seed sowing, nurturing…

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8 months ago

Forcing Bulbs: A Quick and Easy Way to Brighten a Winter’s Day

Gardening is good for the mind, body and spirit. But you don’t need a large garden, strong back or 365 days of beautiful weather to add some fresh greenery and color to your life. All you need is a bit of time, some spring flowering bulbs…

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8 months ago

Container Gardening: 5 Steps to Growing Organic Vegetables in Small Spaces

Are you tired of red peppers and tomatoes that taste like cardboard? Do you buy organic fruits and vegetables, but wish the prices were lower? Do you live in a condo, apartment or small space and yearn to grow your own fresh organic vegetables…

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8 months ago

5 Unique and Beautiful Houseplants to Cheer Up Your Home

Research shows that houseplants can improve concentration and productivity. They can also reduce stress and anxiety and have a mood-boosting effect. So, it’s perhaps unsurprising that many people who start off by caring for a single houseplant, often…

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9 months ago

5 Useful Tips for Growing Fresh Herbs on Your Windowsill

Add some homegrown flavor to your winter meals. Grow a few of your favorite herbs on a sunny windowsill or under artificial lights. Start with a few of the herbs you commonly include in your favorite recipes and those that are easy to grow…

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10 months ago

When Gardening Is Your Passion, Grow Veggies Indoors!

For city dwellers, having a vegetable garden may seem like a pie in the sky. However, growing veggies indoors can be done and is actually a lot easier than most people think – it’s a phenomenal, low-maintenance alternative to nurturing an actual outdoor…

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11 months ago

6 Useful Tips to Prepare Your Garden for the Winter Season (# 6 is My Favorite!)

Summer has unfortunately come to an end, and now it’s time to jump into your rain boots, grab your trusty trowel and put those garden beds to rest. While fall certainly isn’t the most exciting time to be gardening, your plants will appreciate…

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1 year ago

Thinking About Starting a Garden? Learn from My Mistakes and Successes!

Have you thought about growing your own garden? There are no excuses such as space or soil. If you have even a small patio, you can grow many veggies and herbs in pots. Last year, we started a very small garden with only a few pots of peppers…

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1 year ago

6 Herbs to Plant on Your Balcony or Small Garden

When you live in a city, you might not have much room for gardening. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have the space for it at all – your apartment probably has a patio, a balcony, a fire escape, or even a tiny concrete garden…

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1 year ago

Gardening and Summer Food – What’s in It for You?

Are you someone who closely marks the calendar in springtime, eagerly awaiting the day when you can put seeds in the ground to grow your vegetables? Gardening is a wonderful way to connect not only with our food, but also with the soil, air and water…

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