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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

3 years ago

How to Get Yourself into That Swimsuit Before Summer Ends

It’s the dog days of summer – the weather is hazy, hot, and humid, but I’m worried about getting into my swimsuit at a party this weekend. I gained 10 pounds while on chemo earlier this year, and I don’t like this new body. Body image is a big problem…

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3 years ago

At 60, What Are You Really Hungry For?

I have a deep and insatiable hunger. I used to believe that it was for food. Now I know that it was for life! If, like me, you have struggled with food and feeling “at home” in your body, you may have spent what seems to be a lifetime trying to fill a hunger…

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3 years ago

How to Do Things for You When Life’s Circumstances Aren’t the Greatest

In my work with women who are looking to redefine on what I call “The Right Side of 50,” I lead them through a series of journal prompts, reflections, brain dumps, and goal setting exercises to help them as they try to figure out exactly what their “thing” might…

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3 years ago

The Strange Way Covid 19 Changed My Personality

I retired from my fast-paced corporate job just as the world was shutting down due to Covid-19. All my anticipated retirement plans of time with my grandchildren, meeting up with girlfriends and family, plus travel to another country…

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3 years ago

Choose Happiness, Says the Wisdom of Our Elders

What’s the secret to living a fuller, more content life? For John Leland, an award-winning New York Times reporter and author of the New York Times bestseller Happiness Is a Choice You Make: Lessons from a Year among the Oldest Old, the answer came…

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3 years ago

Bored with Everyday Life? 5 Easy and Fun Ideas to Get Your Sparkle Back After 60

Most of us feel grateful. We’ve come far and lived long. Yet all of us are human. So even amidst all that gratitude, we can occasionally feel antsy. Restless. I daresay, bored. Although now in our 60s, we can morph into those blasé children we were when…

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3 years ago

7 Small Steps to a Happier, Healthier Life After 60

Do you feel like you need a life-lift? Do you think that if a few things in your life would change you’d face each day with more hope and joy? It does seem that after 60 some changes happen fast – like aches and sagging skin and the development of cataracts…

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3 years ago

Creating Identity Safe Spaces for Children and Adults of All Backgrounds

When I was growing up, we used to have a saying translated from Yiddish, “What am I, chopped liver?” We said it whenever any of us felt left out of the group in some way. In college, I studied social psychology and learned that humans crave a sense…

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3 years ago

The Three Pillars to Level Up Your Purpose: Wise Women Create with Others

We continue to explore the three pillars that support you creating a life of meaning and purpose. The first pillar is strengthening your relationship with your own wisdom and guidance. The second is aligning yourself with the abundance of life…

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3 years ago

How to Activate Your Inner Goddess at 60 and Beyond

I never really thought of myself as a Goddess! That would have seemed far too high an aspiration for me. A Goddess, who me? Surely not! However, something has changed within me since I entered my 60th year. I don’t quite know what it is, but it is a shift…

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