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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

2 years ago

Addressing the Myth of Aging (VIDEO)

When we were younger, our focus was on getting older. Whether it was being tall enough to get on a ride at a carnival, old enough to drive, old enough to enjoy a drink legally, or even old enough to have money of our own and call our own shots…

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2 years ago

Why I’m a Huge Fan of Author Ann Lamott’s Writing and Wisdom

I’m a big fan of writer Ann Lamott and follow her on Facebook. She recently posted about turning 68. To arrive at this age, she says, means you weren’t born yesterday. It means you have experienced a great deal – friends and family ravaged…

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2 years ago

The Myth of Prince Charming

More than once, as an adult, I wished a magical knight in shining armor would come and carry me away from my problems. I knew this was not going to happen, but I still yearned for the happily ever after fairytale ending with Prince Charming…

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3 years ago

How to Stop Complaining So That You Can Get More from Life After 60

Last month, a friend of mine asked me, “What are you giving up for Lent?” And although I’m not Catholic, I liked the idea of giving up something that doesn’t fit with who I want to be, so I had a ready answer for her. I said, “Complaining…

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3 years ago

How to Overwrite the Myth of Love

What is love? Where does love reside? How do you attract love into your life? In this article, which is the third of a seven-part series on The Seven Myths of Love & Happiness, for Sixty and Me readers, we will answer these questions as we explore the Myth of Love…

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3 years ago

Finding Inconceivable Joy of Turning 60

I can hardly believe that I will be turning 60 this year. I know it is a cliché, but I find myself repeatedly asking, where did the time go? It doesn’t seem that long ago that I thought that 60 was considered old. It is interesting how we view age so differently…

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3 years ago

3 Steps for Having Fun as You Age

Like many people, I was simultaneously horrified and energized by a recent essay in The New York Times entitled, “How Covid Stole Our Time and How We Can Get it Back.” Its basic point was as follows: Most of us have eaten up hundreds of thousands…

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3 years ago

5 Life Lessons I Have Learned from Aging

I must confess that my life would have been so much happier in my childhood and earlier adulthood, if I had discovered then what I know now. All of the universal life lessons that I learned from my positive and negative relationships…

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3 years ago

Don’t Give Power to the Myth of Self-Worth

When you are in a beautiful romantic relationship or you achieve a big goal in life, the experience can produce unimaginable levels of joy and security. They can also be frustratingly elusive to get and sustain.

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3 years ago

Don’t Hesitate to Find Your New Passion

They say there’s no cloud without a silver lining, and although this pandemic has been a very large and very dark cloud, there have been a few silver linings here and there. Namely, some people have discovered passions they didn’t know they had…

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