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It's difficult when we lose a loved one to death, but it's even more so when we are living with estrangement.

1 year ago

Actionable Plan for Estranged Parents Over 60

Estrangement from an adult child can be an incredibly distressing and tumultuous experience, especially for parents over 60. The deep pain and grief resulting from severed ties and the longing for reconnection can impact your emotional well-being. The uncertainty of the situation may weigh heavily on your heart, causing overwhelming waves of sadness and anxiety. […]

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1 year ago

5 Ways to Be Gentle with Yourself When Dealing with Parent-Adult Child Estrangement

Parent-adult child estrangement is a complex and deeply challenging experience. It can be overwhelming, leaving parents with feelings of guilt, shame, and grief. This article offers guidance on navigating this painful journey, emphasizing…

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1 year ago

Estrangement and Your Mental Health: A Guide for Parents Over 60

As a parent over 60, you may have thought your relationship with your adult children was solid and unbreakable. However, estrangement can happen to anyone, regardless of age or circumstances. If you find yourself estranged…

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1 year ago

The Detachment Wall: How to Let Go of Your Adult Children

Some of us moms have a problem with our attachment to our children, to the point where the bond can become unhealthy. Can we love our children but not let their choices or behavior make us crazy? Is some detachment actually a good idea?

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1 year ago

What Kinds of Parents Are Less Likely to Be Estranged?

Parenting is a complex and rewarding journey that comes with its own set of challenges. As parents age, they may wonder what kind of parents are not at risk for estrangement from their adult children. While every family and every relationship is unique…

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2 years ago

Are You 60 and Navigating Adult Child Estrangement and Mental Health Issues?

Estrangement is already an extremely delicate and challenging situation, and it becomes even more tricky to navigate with mental illness. The ups and downs of having an adult child with mental illness could create a nightmarish dynamic of confusion and sadness…

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2 years ago

How Making Bread Helped Me to Learn About Setting Boundaries

I was grateful to be in the process of making bread when I received her text message. She wanted to talk. What about? I had no idea, and after a year of not speaking, I felt sick to my stomach even thinking about it…

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2 years ago

What Contributes to Estrangement? A Matter of Perspective

Estrangement is complicated and deals with perspectives from many different angles. Estrangement can be challenging to navigate emotionally since both estranged parties likely want to solidify who is to blame…

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2 years ago

What Makes Adult Children Pick the Road of Estrangement?

Estrangement, the widespread and stigmatized condition describing cutting off one family member from one or more family members, is becoming increasingly common. Estrangement can mean cutting ties completely…

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2 years ago

Estrangement – How Journaling Can Transform Your Heartache into Acceptance 

Estrangement is the widespread condition where one family member intentionally cuts off from one or more family members. Estrangement hits 27 percent of the United States’ population. Estranged individuals and those that choose…

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