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Encore Careers

As we reach our 60s, more and more women are starting encore careers. Not satisfied to "age gracefully," we are going back to school, becoming nurses, painters and teachers. If you are thinking about starting a new career, we have some tools to help you get started.

1 year ago

Is a Gap Year Right for You?

If you’re having a late-blooming midlife crisis, maybe you need time away from whatever it is you’re doing, especially if that’s sitting around feeling mildly depressed. Try something new or revisit something you used to enjoy. Give it a year – or don’t set an end date…

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1 year ago

What Does Professional Success Really Mean?

It wasn’t so long ago that I would have answered with a categorical “No.” After 30 years of zig-zagging in and out of assorted career paths, trying them on and then – Goldilocks-style – deciding they didn’t quite fit, I’ve never felt like a professional success…

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2 years ago

What Skills Will You Use in the Second Half of Life?

Have you thought about what kind of skills you want to carry with you into the second half of your life? Have you thought about the skills you wish to leave behind? Do you know the difference between your talents and skills?

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2 years ago

Being the Eldest Person on Your Work Team

Many of us continue to work past the point when society expects us to retire. Maybe we don’t feel ready to retire yet, maybe we just need the money. Whatever the reason, it inevitably means that we are working with – and for…

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2 years ago

5 Surprising Things I Learned About Myself After Starting a Business in My 60s

If you have been thinking about starting your dream business, declare that this is the year to develop your plan and move your idea forward. When many women approach midlife and beyond, they sometimes allow…

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2 years ago

New Year, New Career: 2023 is the Perfect Time to Make a Change

Do you love January? The stress of presents, parties, and the perfect holiday season is over, and for some of us we can reflect on the past year as well as brainstorm goals for the new year ahead. January can be filled with optimism, possibility, and excitement…

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2 years ago

Job Search Getting You Down After 60? These 6 Tips May Give You the Pick-Me-Up You Need

Looking for a job in your 60s can feel similar to riding a wave. On one hand, you may welcome the chance to hit the restart button on your career and gain a fresh sense of purpose…

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2 years ago

Over 60 and Looking for a Job? Here’s 10 Tips to Get You Started

Looking for a job in your 60s can be a real challenge. For starters, you may not have expected to be in a position to have to look for work at this age. A six-year increase to the women’s state pension age in less than 10 years is a huge shift…

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2 years ago

10 Pros and Cons of an Encore Career After 60

The concept of an “encore career” is spearheaded by the US non-profit called If you come to this article wondering what on earth I am talking about…

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2 years ago

3 Types of Mindsets a Mature Woman Can Embrace When Pursuing Professional Reinvention

At this point in my life, I like to believe that I pretty much know what I think about professional reinvention. As a veteran of several career changes, I’ve given a lot of thought to not only how – but when – to embark on a midlife career makeover… 

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