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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

2 years ago

3 Tips for Making End-Of-Life Talk Easier

Berenice looked horrified. In the group I was running, she was coming to terms with the idea that she really needed to speak to her parents about the fact they were coming towards the end of their lives…

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2 years ago

Do You Offer Comfort the Wrong Way? In Grief, Every Word and Deed Counts

There is no gentle way to say this: My husband and I lost three special friends within a two-week period. Their ages: 83, 72, and 65. Two had health issues, but their deaths were nevertheless unexpected…

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2 years ago

The Power of Inner Maturity (VIDEO)

Unpacking your emotional baggage, at any age, can be a scary proposition. This is especially true for those of us over 60. You may feel called to do so and yet, there likely arises a number of reasons you convince yourself it is best to leave it alone…

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2 years ago

Facing Your Fears After 60 with Positivity and Action

You’re afraid of breaking a hip when you fall. You’re saying good-bye to dear friends, who’ve lost their battle with cancer. You worry if you’re forgetting words like you always have, or if it’s becoming a pattern…

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2 years ago

Finding Your Way After Losing a Spouse

I had several milestone events that occurred during my husband’s bout with Stage IV cancer. I turned 60 the December before he died. Many friends came together and surprised me with a beautiful party, but I missed not having my husband there…

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2 years ago

Are You Mad at God? An Ex-Pastor Shares Her Journey

After graduating from Bible School, I held a pastoral job in a small, yet powerful church. I loved serving there as one of the pastors, and at times preaching sermons to the larger congregation. My entire life was centered around my home and God…

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2 years ago

Choose a Burial Plan – The Remains of Your Days

This morning I am very much alive. I’m getting in my morning run, doing a little strength work and planning my next travel ventures. Still, that mental nudge comes every now and then. It says, “Be kind to your family. Make those decisions about…

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2 years ago

How I Learned to Practice Patience as a Caregiver

I’m not a patient woman by nature. I’ve never gone slowly and carefully into things but run full bore ahead. One of my mottos is, “If all else fails, read the directions.” When I start something new, I want to go to the last chapter first…

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2 years ago

What to Do When You Can’t Forget About Him

Women are more invested in their relationships than men, on average. So, it makes sense that we would hurt more when our man leaves us or dies. Many are the times I’ve been almost haunted by memories of my husband, torn apart…

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2 years ago

Recognizing and Treating Depression in Older Adults

Everyone experiences the occasional blues or lethargy. But if feelings of sadness or tiredness occur more often than not, do not ignore them. It is important to pay attention to how long these emotional waves last, as they may signal…

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