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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

1 year ago

Listen to Me! Why Good Listeners Also Deserve to Be Heard

Do you feel that you are always expected to be the listener and to show an interest in others’ lives? And do you feel frustrated when others don’t listen to what you want to share? A number of women have told me that those whom they had just listened…

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1 year ago

How Long Have You Been on Your Own?

I was visiting in the UK, traveling by train between Manchester and Shrewsbury en route to Wales. Seated in one of those foursome seats with a table between, I shared conversation with two women traveling from different locations in England…

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1 year ago

I Am the Sum of My Choices – So Are My Adult Children and My Ex-Husband

With nearly a year under my belt of being a divorced 65-year-old, mother of four grown children, I have had time for reflection. The divorce was my choice. I sought and embraced it after years of apathy, contempt and hostility. I couldn’t change…

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1 year ago

Don’t Know What to Say to a New Caregiver? Here Are 5 Supportive Things to Say

Have you noticed that sometimes people don’t speak to disabled or ill persons because they don’t really know what to say? The same is true about caregivers. If friends don’t know exactly what to say to us, sometimes they say nothing at all…

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1 year ago

8 Ways to Get Organized for Life and Death

Recently, a client was telling me she’d had some bad health news. Thankfully, on further tests and following check-ups the news wasn’t so bad, but, it began a conversation on what she had learned. We discussed the possible situation of having…

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1 year ago

After Heartbreak, New Widows Must Revisit Their Finances

I was devastated. A few days before I turned 60, I was suddenly a widow. But really, I was typical. Surprisingly, the average age at which a wife becomes a widow is 59.4. About 1 million women a year in the U.S. experience what may be the most stressful event…

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1 year ago

How Can I Get My Family to Let Me Go?

It was a plaintive voice. From someone who knows they are dying, but whose family can’t accept the fact. Perhaps that’s your situation – when you are 60+, because we have lived more years than we are probably going to live, it does happen that people…

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1 year ago

Ready to Become Anxiety Free?

If daily skirmishes with anxiety leave you frustrated and worn out, you are certainly not alone. I was a worrier for many years. Back then I thought anxiety was just the way things were. If you’re alive… you worry. My mother worried and so I worried…

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1 year ago

How I Overcame My Podcast Fear

I recently agreed to be a guest on a podcast. Although repeatedly encouraged to do podcasts by my marketing manager, up to this point I have resisted. Why? It’s very simple: Fear! There have been times in my past when I felt that I did not respond…

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1 year ago

5 Ideas to Beat Anxiety and Feel Calmer

Stress and anxiety need no invitation to hassle us and invade our day-to-day lives. Very few of us are immune. If we are fortunate enough that the underlying causes are less serious, it would usually be a great help if we could do something…

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