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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

4 years ago

The Art of Writing Creative Eulogies

The holiday season is often marked by the loss of loved ones, so it’s a good idea to be prepared for the inevitable. I am a well-published writer, so it seems that when a close friend or family member dies, I’m asked to write the eulogy.

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4 years ago

When Domestic Violence Hits Close to Home, Signal for Help!

Nothing in my life – barring news of the accidental death of my dad – has twisted me so much as the murder of my hair stylist. She was only 37 and a beautiful spirit. I met her about five years ago, when she was going through a divorce…

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4 years ago

How I Tried – and Failed – to Box My Grief Over My Mother’s Death

I had a vivid dream the other night. I was preparing to teach a class, but I couldn’t find my notes. As the time for the class drew nearer, I got increasingly stressed that I’d lost my window to prepare. In and of itself, that dream isn’t…

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4 years ago

The Impact of One Unexpected Death Among the Growing Numbers

Death. It is all around us these days. Indeed, you can’t get away from it. Turn on the television and you learn how many people have died from Covid-19 in your country. In the US, it is now over 225,000; in the UK, it is now close to 45,000…

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4 years ago

5 Useful Tips for Navigating Dementia After 60 – The Advice of a Caring Daughter

In the past months, I have been navigating the rough and turbulent waters of dementia, trying to cope with the changes I observe in my mother’s behavior. I was oblivious at first – or perhaps I overlooked the signs. I hoped the dementia…

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4 years ago

Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole: Resisting Conspiracy Theories

When I woke up at 8 am on my 68th birthday, I was confused to see that it was still dark. In a day unlike any other in my life, daylight never came. The sky remained dark with a purplish red hue. Cars drove with headlamps lit…

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4 years ago

Who Gets What When You’re Gone?

When one of my nieces was just a little thing, maybe 4 or 5 years old, she saw a spoon rack on her grandmother’s wall (my mother-in-law). It is one of those wooden shelves that holds tiny spoons my in-laws had collected…

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4 years ago

3 Reasons You Should Not Wait to Visit the Doctor: Covid or No Covid

Are you one of the many people afraid to see a doctor because of Covid-19? Are you feeling confused as to when the benefits of seeking healthcare outweigh the risks of the pandemic? Here are some clear-cut guidelines…

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4 years ago

Love Is Eternal, but Life Isn’t! Facing the Chance of Becoming a Widow

Soon after my book was published, I attended a community luncheon. Several couples were seated at my table, and we introduced ourselves. After watching me for a few minutes, one wife suddenly exclaimed, “Oh, I saw your picture in Sunday’s…

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4 years ago

Acknowledging and Dealing with Negative Emotions as a Caregiver

Being a caregiver can be a very rewarding role, but it’s also one of the most taxing. Sometimes caregivers find themselves with negative emotions that can stem from the toll of caregiving, among other factors. It’s not uncommon for them to think something along the lines of “It’s fine, they’re my spouse/parent/sibling/grandparent, so I should […]

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