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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

3 years ago

Why a Self-Defense Class Is a Good Idea Before Your Next Trip

One evening after attending a book club meeting in Mexico, I came home and discovered a desk drawer open, along with a window blind raised near the front door. Checking the rooms, it appeared nothing had been taken, leading me to believe…

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3 years ago

The Impact of Covid on Our Sense of Beauty

At the onset of Covid, I don’t think that any of us dreamed that we would still be restricted by it over a year and a half later. I gave the whole situation three months tops… shows what I know. For those of you who had the foresight to invest in more leggings…

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3 years ago

The Morbid Details: End of Life Preferences (VIDEO)

Have you ever gone to an estate sale? As you walk through the home of the previous owner, what thoughts are in your head? What are you feeling? I have found myself having difficulty not feeling like an intruder or feeling guilty or disrespectful…

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3 years ago

How Watershed Moments Come to Define Our Lives

We all have watershed moments in the course of our lives. Days when, from then on, things become notably different. The day you left home, the day you got married (or moved in together), the day you had your first child – all days signifying…

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3 years ago

The Importance of Rituals: For Comfort in Grief and Every Day

Rituals are actions that symbolically connect us to something that is meaningful. They can be comforting and can help us express feelings, bring about a sense of closure, or keep an important part of the past alive. Rituals mark time as well as create time…

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3 years ago

Acting Normal in a Reopening World

It seems social activities are opening back up to varying degrees depending on where you live. For me here in Oregon, there are opportunities to gather, attend live events and shop without masks, at least at the moment. As I begin to be more active…

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3 years ago

Anxiety Speaks Softly and Carries a Big Stick

Unwelcome visitors have a tendency to pop in at the most inopportune and unexpected times. The telephone is just such an intruder, its shrill ring interrupting sacred downtime. Back when we were still tethered to landlines, sans caller ID…

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3 years ago

What Are the Easiest Ways to Overcome Fear of Technology?

Technology is all around us. There is no escaping it these days. But the longer you avoid it, the worse your apprehensions will get. In my experience of working with people and techie things, I’ve found that fear of looking or feeling stupid…

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3 years ago

What I Actually Learned from Going into Therapy at 69

If you were to meet me, you’d think I am cheerful, outgoing, optimistic, energetic. And I am all these things. But there’s “the me you can’t see,” as Oprah says. That me, until I started therapy, was ruminating about the past, grieving…

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3 years ago

How I Wrote My Way Through Grief: Processing the Death of a Husband or Partner After 60

After I had lost a 42-year-old husband, a 50-year-old ex-husband and a 75-year-old live-in partner, my family and friends jokingly called me, “The Black Widow.” The deaths occurred under different circumstances and were all devastating…

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