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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

3 years ago

Coping with Anxiety, Distress, Depression Caused by a Life-limiting Disease or Chronic Condition

Being diagnosed with a disease or condition that could change your life (and those close to you), often sends you on a rollercoaster of emotions. Usually, shock is the first hit along with fear and bewilderment…

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3 years ago

Have Any Fears? The Journey of Slaying My Dragon

I am usually a very reasonable person. I taught mathematics, for heaven’s sake, and that is the most logical science in the world! But I was afraid. It was such an irrational fear that I was embarrassed to admit it…

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3 years ago

Why Do People Say What They Do in Their Final Hours Before Death?

Many years ago, I was visiting a friend’s house, having just heard that her husband was in his last few days. She was not a close friend, but I knew them both as part of the Quaker community…

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3 years ago

7 Things You Can Do When Experiencing Moments of Vulnerability and Anxiety

Recently, a friend told me about feeling increased anxiety. She had had a kidney transplant over 20 years ago, but, now in her 60s, she finds herself getting very upset with any new physical symptom…

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3 years ago

Brave in a New World: Dealing with Grief and Recovering from Loss

The loss of a mother at a rather early age was very traumatic. At 17, this is the time you need love, guidance and direction about life and you do not know who to trust. So you must learn to trust yourself and your instincts and in your life decisions – good, bad, right or wrong…

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3 years ago

The Very Real Problem of Dying

“I’ve had my three score years and ten. I really can’t complain – all the rest is extra.” These are the words of my father a few years before he died. The number these days – probably even then – might not be exactly right when calculating the average…

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3 years ago

Warning! Yoga May Release a River of Tears!

A yoga practice can provide many benefits, but I don’t know of anyone who joined a yoga class for the purpose of triggering a “good cry.” Not all yogis experience emotional tears, but if you do, it’s ok. Yoga class and your practice should be a safe space…

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3 years ago

Are You a Carrot, an Egg, or a Cup of Coffee?

Perhaps you’ve heard or read a version of the story related to the title of this article. In the story, a dejected daughter tells her mother how difficult her life is with one problem after another, and how she just wants to give up. The mother takes her daughter…

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3 years ago

3 Useful Tips on How to Explain Death and Dying to Children

“What shall I say?” asked Howard, obviously uncomfortable about telling his 7- and 9-year-old that their grandfather had just died. They had only seen him the other day, as usual, and he had seemed his usual cheerful self…

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3 years ago

Will 2022 Be the Year of the Older Woman?

The start of the year is a popular time to reflect. So, I’m inclined to be a little philosophical as we greet 2021 while pulling ourselves out of the abyss of the past year and catching our collective breath. I know there’s nothing…

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