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Pushing 80 and Loving My Body

By Sheila Grinell September 11, 2022 Mindset

Up until age 75, I felt 18 years old at the core. The girl I used to be still lived inside me and dictated my approach to life. That girl had always hungered to learn new things. She enjoyed traveling independently, taking a chance on whatever food and lodging she might find; she liked to dance and ski and ride her bike and do yoga.

To be sure, as the years passed and I continued to do those things, I had to make accommodations for lesser physical strength and greater vulnerability. But my inner 18-year-old was nonetheless still happily in charge.

In the Blink of an Eye

I was far from blind to the fact of aging. At age 60, out of curiosity, I decided to start keeping track of the bodily changes to come. I labeled a page in the back of a notebook “Things Falling Apart Post 60” and added items as I noticed them.

The entries were little things like small, red moles appearing on trunk; base of right thumb occasionally aches; and so on. Time passed, and then I labeled another page “Entropy After 65” and continued listing incremental changes. (When the irises of your eyes turn gray around the edges, it’s called arcus senilis. What an unkind name!)

Tipping Point

I continued the chronicle of curiosities – that’s what my 18-year-old psyche called them – and labeled the next page “Patching It together Post 70.” The principal entry was a list of foods I now found harder to digest (including red wine but not white, thank goodness).

When I hit 75, I labeled the new page “75 – Now I’m Old” tongue-in-cheek. But right away, my entries turned into paragraphs rather than one-liners because the issues had become more complex. Consider rising blood pressure: was it due to aging, or to genetics, or to the stress of the pandemic? I went back to the label and added the words “no more fooling around” in lower case.

At long last, that 18-year-old living inside me lost her primacy. I no longer had confidence that my body would respond to the fun stressors, like playing with kids or jumping over puddles, with appropriate resilience. It wasn’t a question of practice; deep down, I knew that I would not be able to recoup my former elasticity no matter how I tried.

What Now?

At the start of the pandemic, a friend had said, “Don’t worry, it won’t kill you.” I wondered how she could be so sure. Lack of resilience affects one’s response to all kinds of stressors, infectious as well as metabolic.

I’d enjoyed exercising and eating organic food for decades, and I was in really good shape. But a careful lifestyle doesn’t make up for the natural effects of aging. Every time a DNA molecule replicates, it can lose a little something. Those losses accumulate and cannot be reversed.

The New Regime

When my mother was my age, she sprinkled lemon juice on her French fries instead of salt. At the time I thought it yukky, but she ate them with gusto. (She hadn’t told me her doctor had demanded she change her diet.) I recently tried squeezing lemon on my fries; they tasted like tangy potato rather than salt. Different, not bad. I finally understood what my mother had been up to.

My attitude toward my body has changed from cataloging limitations to celebrating gifts. I’m not “settling” for life in a reduced state; I love what my 70-something body can do, with the support of 21st century medicine when required. It’s a privilege to grow older in relative health and comfort in these challenging times.

So, pushing 80, I had a talk with my 18-year-old psyche, telling her to move over because grandmother had come to town and would be sleeping in her bed!  

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Do you have concerns about how your body is aging? What changes are you noticing in this new decade? Are they for the better or worse? What can you do to keep your body as strong as possible for longer?

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I celebrate what I can do each day… and remind myself I am not 16….do my devotions, exercise regularly, eat right, connect with others and enjoy each day’s activities…
Thanks for sharing!

Veronicw Brennan

Four years ago I lost my little dog. I grieved for her as if she were my child. Still not feeling right thought it wwas still the grief. But no, hospitalised with pneumonia xrays picked up spinal fractures from coughing. Diagnosis osteoporosis. Developed horrendous headache, thought I was having a stroke. Nope, it was a thing called temporal arteritis. Very dangerous. Put on massive doses of steroids which causes me to pile on weight and a face so swollen I was unrecognisable. Then my legs started to swell. GP said fluid. Nope lymphodema, probably caused through radiotherapy because of breast cancer a few years before. So, four years ago I had travelled to Australua for two weddings, went to three states, danced the night away. Now get about with a walker or on a good day a cane. A recent CT scan has now picked up an abdominal aorta aneurism . Here we go again. Who said old sge was not for the feint hearted? Still laughing though, or is it hysteria?

Michele Eckford

I can relate to what you say about ‘here we go again’ yes the only way is go at it with a light heart. And old age is not for the faint hearted I see.

Darline Hayman

At 88, I’m amazed how my “older” friends are doing. At 92, one friend drives 7 miles to town to play bridge, attend church functions and meet for coffee. Another, age 87 walks 1/2 hour with me twice a week and we feel great!

Julie Hocking

Excellent Article!
Great idea journaling changes in the body as we get older, and really appreciating just what the human body can achieve if we look after it.
I recently had what some would term as “ a bit of a scare” and that experience has changed my whole approach to life and my body especially.
Thank you so much for writing and sharing this article.
jules 🦋

Extraordinay article, first time I read something

Extraordinay article, first time I read something about the facts of aging, even if I at 69, sometimes I feel much younger, the true, and I keep fighting aging, is that you, feel it, I always say to my friends and sisters, why nobody told us about aging, nothing, no complains, no all the sad things that you lose in the way, thanks, I really like it.

The Author

Toward the end of her 40-year career as a creator of science museums, Sheila Grinell began a “second act” as a novelist. Her debut, Appetite, appeared in 2016, and her second novel, The Contract, in 2019. She writes a monthly newsletter and engages with readers on social media.

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