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Search Results for: books

7 Simple Steps to Becoming a Writer After 60

By Stephanie Raffelock May 27, 2016

Second Chapters. Third Acts. Call it what you will, your sixties are a time to recreate, reclaim and often reinvent yourself. You may be retired or partially so. You did a good job with the kids and they are carving out their own lives now. Maybe you’ve left a marriage and find yourself single again. Read More

Let’s Say No to Aging Stereotypes and Embrace Our True Selves

By Carol Hedges May 26, 2016

So, I’m busy deleting all those Facebook sidebar adverts for funeral plans, lawyers who will arrange Power of Attorney and annuity providers when it suddenly hits me: who the cotton-picking heck do these people think I am? Closely followed by: who do I think I am? Read More

5 Valuable Social Security Tips for Your Daughter and Granddaughter

By Donna Davis May 12, 2016

The choices you make today will affect your Social Security payment amount later on. This is true, even if you are in your 60s and are rapidly approaching retirement age. It’s especially true for our daughters and granddaughters, who still have several decades to go before retirement age. I always thought that everyone got the same amount for Social Security. Like many women, I was very naïve…

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Do You Love Your Aging Body? How Gentle Yoga Helped Me to Accept Myself

By Margaret Manning May 07, 2016

For the last 20 years, I’ve been on a journey to accept and, eventually, love my aging body. Read More

5 Ways that Palliative Care Improves the Quality of Life for Terminally Ill Patients (Video)

By Margaret Manning April 12, 2016

Most of us don’t think about palliative care until someone that we love needs it. In some ways, this is natural. No-one likes to think about their own mortality and it is even harder to imagine someone close to us suffering. That said, there are many reasons to talk about death, even if we are not yet directly impacted by it. Read More

List-less in London – The Joys of Getting Busier with Age

By Carol Hedges April 05, 2016

Who was it that said they wished they could get to the top of the stairs before they forgot why they wanted to go up there the first place? No, I don’t remember either, but the first three words of that sentence are kind of becoming the leitmotif for my life. Read More

What is the Best Home Exercise Equipment for Older Adults?

By Margaret Manning February 28, 2016

I used to think that staying in shape was the same at any age. Until recently, I would have laughed at the concept of exercise equipment for older adults. After all, do older adults really have different needs when it comes to exercise equipment? Now, in my mid-60s, I am not laughing anymore! Read More

Your Wisdom is a Resource! Here Are 3 Ways You Can Use it to Help Yourself and Others

By Diane Dahli February 26, 2016

“In youth we learn, in age we understand.” Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote these words when she was seventy-five years old. Read More

Why it’s OK for Older Women to Misbehave! A Laurel Ulrich Quote

By Margaret Manning February 24, 2016

“Be a good girl!” How many times did you hear these words when you were growing up? More importantly, how much did these words become a part of your inner voice? We may have silently asked “why,” but, very few of us actually stood up and said “no.” Those who did were usually knocked back down, emotionally speaking, in short order. Read More

How to Unleash Your Secret Power of Reinvention

By Randall Hartman February 22, 2016

The new buzz word for Baby Boomers is “reinvention.” Your career is winding down. You are not quite as energetic. Your focus shifts. Priorities rearrange themselves. When you started out in life you needed to invent yourself and now, with these passing years, you need to reinvent yourself. Read More