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Search Results for: books

Talking About Death with Your Family is Painful, but, Important

By Margaret Manning August 14, 2015

We have all sat around the dinner table countless times, talking with our families about every topic under the sun – politics, people, shopping, work, movies, books, and our plans for next year’s holiday. Read More

Don’t Take Life After 60 Too Seriously – Let’s Embrace Nonsense!

By Margaret Manning August 01, 2015

When my children were young, I used to love to read Dr. Seuss books to them. There was something about the strange characters and wonderful worlds that sent all of us into uncontrollable fits of giggling. It’s a shame that, as adults, we are expected to be so serious. It’s almost as if we forget how to appreciate the silly, nonsensical moments in life. Read More

How to Live like The Golden Girls: New Book Makes it Easy

By Sixty and Me July 23, 2015

Have you ever thought about living with roommates? If so, you are in step with a growing cadre of baby boomers who are turning to shared living as a fun, affordable housing option as they age.

A Golden Girls Home is where mature adults share a home. Maybe it’s two women sharing an apartment; maybe it’s four men and women sharing a house. Read More

3 Easy Ways to Get the Most from Life After 60

By Margaret Manning June 17, 2015

Life after 60 is a time for reflection and renewal. It can also be a time for recommitting ourselves to our core values and exploring life with a renewed sense of purpose. As I talk to the other members of the Sixty and Me community, I find that most women believe that the best years are still to come – if we make good decisions today.

On some level, we all know that the secret to longevity and happiness after 60 isn’t found in the latest pills and potions that the “anti-aging” industry pushes at us. The best tonic for longevity is to live well – to surround ourselves with good friends, new experiences, healthy food and worthwhile dreams. But, if you are feeling a bit apprehensive about life after 60, you may be looking for some more specific advice. After all, we all know what makes us happy, but, knowing how to make ourselves happy is another matter! Read More

It’s a “Brands” World – Building a Better Future for Our Grandchildren

By Barry Kluger June 15, 2015

I ran into a friend last week who introduced her son, saying, “Say hi to Kyle, brought to you by the Unified School District and Pepsi, the choice of a new generation.”

Well, not really, but, in the past few years, many school districts have signed multi-million dollar marketing and vending partnerships whereby the company becomes the schools’ exclusive provider of vending machines of water and fruit juice. The revenue is to be used to create sponsorships supporting sports and physical education. One can only hope. Read More

Why the Book “The Secret” is Right for All the Wrong Reasons

By Margaret Manning June 08, 2015

A few years ago, Rhonda Byrne’s little book, “The Secret” took the world by storm. Her message was simple: if you want good things to happen to you, start thinking positive thoughts. If you imagine yourself becoming wealthy, the universe will, eventually, shower you with riches. There is even an example in the book that talks about how to use your mind to create open parking spaces. Boy, do I wish that worked for me! Read More

Forget About Finding Yourself – Create Yourself Instead!

By Margaret Manning May 22, 2015

So many people go through life trying to “find themselves.” We read self-help books, hire career counselors, take trips to think about our life, write in diaries and, for the most part, we end up where we started. Read More

Spring Cleaning Your Life – How Everyday Items Become Your Legacy

By Barry Kluger May 13, 2015

I was going through boxes of folders the other day and found some great memories: photos, my “Polyester, The Movie” smell-o-vision card, news articles that I wrote or were written about me, an old I.D. bracelet that I gave – and got back – from girls in junior high school and more. Read More

How to Write an Unstoppable Senior Dating Profile in 7 Easy Steps

By Margaret Manning May 06, 2015

If you are at the beginning of your senior dating journey, you probably have several questions. How can I write a great profile? Where are all the good men my age? Am I ready to deal with the emotions that will inevitably come as I get back into the dating game? Read More

Why We Can Never Forget Kent State

By Barry Kluger May 04, 2015

America will soon note the 40th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. A few years ago, I visited Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), Hanoi and Da Nang. For a brief time, I got to know some of the people from the reunited country. Read More