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Search Results for: relationships

Anxious About Getting Older? Here’s How to Get Back on Track

By Joan Frances Moran May 11, 2016

I smiled when I read the following quote by David Bowie: “Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.”

I’ve been mindful of this mantra every day of my life since the age of 50. Read More

Can We Come Together to Disrupt Aging Alone?

By Carol Marak May 08, 2016

To “disrupt aging alone” has been top of mind since I turned 60. This month, I turn 65, so it’s growing even more relevant. Happy birthday to me! Read More

How to Live to 100 – 11 Practical Tips You Can Apply Today (#2 Will Make You Feel Better!)

By Sarah Brewer May 05, 2016

Do you want to know how to live to 100? Or, do you perhaps want to live to 110 and become a super-centenarian? It may sound unlikely, but, according to the UK Government Actuary’s Department, babies born in just thirty years’ time will have an average life expectancy of 150!  Read More

What I Learned About Finding Balance in Life in the Jungles of Bali

By Margaret Manning May 01, 2016

One thing a lot of women in our community talk about is finding balance in their lives. Yes, it’s true that some of us are retired. Read More

Amending Our Process: Crafting Apologies that Heal, Part 1

By Becki Cohn-Vargas April 28, 2016

I recently published a blog on the Five Languages of Love, based on the work of Gary Chapman for Sixty and Me. Subsequently, I discovered that my sister, also an author and therapist, had written an article on the Five Languages of Apology, also based on his work. I am so happy to be able to share it here on Sixty and Me. Here’s what she said… Read More

No Matter Your Age, Don’t Forget the Power of a Smile

By Sally Dowling April 26, 2016

It’s funny the things you start to realise, as you get older.

I have been told I am a smiler, complete with a one sided dimple. Over the years, a sunny smile has gotten me through some difficult times and challenging situations; and yet I am only just beginning to appreciate the power of a genuine smile. Read More

5 Reasons that I Love Babysitting For My Grandchild

By Deborah Drezon Carroll April 10, 2016

I have an appointment every Monday afternoon and Tuesday, all day. It’s with a VIP and it’s a job of sorts. It doesn’t pay much, but it makes me feel rich beyond words. It’s also exhausting. I am one of the new corps of volunteer grandparents but I’m volunteering very close to home: in my own family. Read More

Why Grandmas Need to Support Each Other – Introducing the GaGa Sisterhood (Video)

By Margaret Manning April 01, 2016

In my experience, grandmas naturally love to help other people. Even if we consider ourselves to be “modern grandmas,” with our own passions, we still find time to take care of our families and share our wisdom with the world. Many of us, for one reason or another, have even found ourselves raising our grandchildren full-time. Read More

Not Allowed to See Your Grandkids? What About Grandparents’ Rights?

By Margaret Manning March 25, 2016

It’s every grandparent’s worst nightmare. After years of caring for your loved ones, you find yourself separated from your grandchildren by a family conflict. At this difficult time, your mind is probably filled with worries. Read More

5 Powerful Benefits of Social Media for Women Over 60

By Perley-Ann Friedman March 21, 2016

I have no idea why people my age are shying away from using social media when it is so easy to use, providing us with many great opportunities. This is especially true for us gals over 60. Is it that old “fear” of computers? Haven’t you gotten over that yet? You should be comfortable with on-line shopping, banking and surfing for websites by now. Read More