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Search Results for: relationships

My 4-Minute Makeup Routine for Older Women – Plus My Top 10 Products (Video)

By Margaret Manning June 13, 2016

A few days ago, I recorded my first Facebook Live session. Over 6,000 women over 60 watched the 40-minute video! It was a great opportunity to connect with our Facebook community, share ideas and discuss things that were on our minds. Read More

Single Over 60? Here’s How to Be Happy in a World of Couples (Video)

By Margaret Manning June 12, 2016

Are you single over 60? I am. If I’m honest, there are times when I love being without a man in my life. Without commitments, I am free to travel and world and explore my passions. Read More

8 Things I Learned About Yoga for Seniors After Spending 8 Weeks in Bali

By Margaret Manning June 07, 2016

We’ve all heard the promises about yoga for seniors. Yoga will help you to experience healthy aging. Yoga will help you to reduce stiffness and increase your energy. Yoga is a gateway to a healthier lifestyle after 60. Read More

3 Unexpected Ways Starting a Blog Can Improve Your Life After 60 (Video)

By Margaret Manning June 06, 2016

Life after 60 is intense. So, why on Earth would anyone want to start a blog at our age? Isn’t there enough talk in the world? Don’t we all have better things to do with our time than share our opinions with the world? Read More

Practical Advice for Letting Go of Toxic Friends After 60 (Video)

By Margaret Manning June 05, 2016

Nothing will hold you back more than toxic friends. By the time we reach our 60s, you would think that we would have let go of all of the people who make us unhappy. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case. Read More

7 Powerful Life Lessons From My Trip to Bali

By Margaret Manning June 02, 2016

I’m sitting in my little hotel in Bali, packing my bags to come home to Switzerland, my head full of memories and my heart full of love for this wonderful island and its amazing people. Read More

Overcoming Social Isolation in Your 60s and 70s

By Margaret Manning May 30, 2016

Everyone thinks that illnesses are the scariest things that you have to face as you get a little older. While cancer and Alzheimer’s are undoubtedly terrifying, there is a force that many women our age fear even more – social isolation. Read More

Hiding Depression from the World? Your “Smiling Depression” is Fixable (Video)

By Margaret Manning May 22, 2016

It always amazes me to hear how many women in the community are hiding depression from those they love. After all, depression is something that impacts most of us at some point in our lives.

It is certainly not something to be ashamed of. It is simply our brain’s response to the internal and external pressures pushing on it. Read More

Going Through a Divorce After 60? Here’s How to Protect Yourself (Video)

By Margaret Manning May 14, 2016

When you are going through a divorce after 60, all you want to do is climb under a rock and wait for it all to pass. Read More

Amending Our Process: Crafting Apologies that Heal, Part 2

By Becki Cohn-Vargas May 14, 2016

In the first part of this blog, we learned two ways to apologize, expressing regret and taking responsibility from Chapman’s work on The Five Languages of Apology.

Here we learn the other three more ways to apologize: making restitution, repentance or commitment to change, and asking for forgiveness. I am proud to share my sister’s article and so lucky to have a wonderful sister and be so close to her. Here is the second part of her article… Read More