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Search Results for: morning routine

Are You a Failed Retiree? Check Out These 5 Fun and Profitable Business Ideas

By Kim Neumann August 01, 2023

Oh, blissful retirement! Is it a reality or is it a myth? You planned it all out – endless vacations, hobbies you finally have time for, and no alarms ringing at the crack of dawn. And voila! You finally retire! But instead of relaxation and joy, you find restlessness…

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Do You Get in Your Own Way? I Sure Do!

By Ilene Marcus July 31, 2023

I’ll never forget the day I realized it wasn’t the holding on that was killing me. It was being dragged. Mostly through the mud, which was wet and messy. Over my life, I have learned to manage the mud. A stiff dirty martini, some retail therapy…

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How to Keep It Simple in Complicated Times

By Marcia Smalley July 27, 2023

We’re living in complicated times. World events are spiraling, technology is developing at warp speed, and uncertainty is the norm. We’re bombarded with information, deluged with news, overwhelmed by decisions…

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Wrapping Ourselves Around the Subtle Changes After 50

By Leslie Moon July 26, 2023

I was emailing one of my subscribers a few weeks ago, and she made a comment that really stuck with me. It was down the lines of, “dealing with some of the major life issues that we do at this stage can be tough while we’re also trying to get…

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5 Ways Timing Can Help You Lose More Weight – Even if You Eat the Same Food!

By Nancy Scanlan July 21, 2023

Has your breakfast time gradually slid down the day? Originally, you had to be up early, get the kids out of bed, put something on the table for them, your significant other, and for you, and leave in time for work. As life went on, the kids moved out…

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All of Life Revolves Around Sacred Relationships

By T. Kari Mitchell June 23, 2023

I’m currently enrolled in a program to earn my spiritual practitioner’s license. My intention is to show others how to live richer, more fulfilling lives. Over the past few months, I’ve experienced a slight shift in consciousness…

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How Well Do You Maintain Your Body?

By Alainnah Robertson June 22, 2023

My favorite philosopher, Socrates, said, “It’s a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” The ancient Greek physician Herophilus stated, “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, strength…

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Should You Weigh Yourself Daily or Weekly to Lose Weight After 60?

By Dave Price June 17, 2023

As I was getting off the digital scale in our bathroom the other day, my wife entered, a bemused look on her face. “What?” I asked. “Why do you do that every day? They say you should only weigh yourself once a week,” she responded…

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Turn Exercise from a Chore to a Joyful Activity: Discover the Fun in Fitness!

By Christine Kirkland June 07, 2023

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It is well known that regular exercise can improve overall health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve mental well-being. However, the question arises: is exercising…

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Mindful Moments: Simple Daily Practices in 10 Minutes or Less

By Elaine Economou June 04, 2023

Do you have a mindfulness routine? A lot of us would automatically associate mindfulness with meditation and we’d be right. Meditation is a form of mindfulness, but it’s not the only way to be mindful. Mindfulness can include movement too…

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