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Search Results for: relationships

7 Things Enlightened Employers Are Doing for Caregivers: On Which End Are You?

By Anthony Cirillo January 11, 2019

More than 42 million U.S. families, that is, 21 percent of households, experience daily limitations caring for a dependent adult. The economic value of these unpaid contributions is more than $500 billion, which is up from $375 billion in 2007. Read More

7 Reasons Having a Network of Girlfriends is Important as We Age

By Rebecca Olkowski January 07, 2019

Women tend to live longer than men, and there may come a time in the life of a couple when the wife is left all alone. This can be devastating if she’s been dependent on her spouse for emotional support when things go wrong. Read More

Happiness Isn’t Complicated! 8 Simple Pleasures to Enjoy After 60

By Margaret Manning January 05, 2019

If I were to ask you “What would make you happier?” what would you say? Would you talk about having more money? Or, would you focus on your desire to build closer relationships with your friends and family members? If you think that happiness comes from the big things in life, you’re not alone. To some extent, I think we all believe this. But, today, I want to argue the opposite… that happiness comes from enjoying the simple pleasures in life. I hope that you enjoy today’s video! Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

5 Ways to Manage Your Expectations in 2019: Expect the Unexpected

By Joan Frances Moran January 03, 2019

As women who have lived for over five decades, we already know that central to most problems in the human condition is the idea that you create expectations for many situations in life. It’s an emotional sink hole, highly difficult to maintain. Read More

Are You Looking Back or Living Forward in Your 60s?

By Christine Field January 03, 2019

Conflict is a part of life. Few of us live without it. But what if conflicts from your past are interfering with your moving forward?

Conflict is never an easy thing to deal with, but old, deeply rooted disagreements can really affect your body, mind and spirit. Read More

5 Mantras That Can Help You to Find Peace and Get More from Life After 60

By Debbie Hensleigh December 31, 2018

First of all, what is a mantra? According to Wikipedia, “a mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of ‘creating transformation’.” Read More

Before Falling Into the New Year’s Resolutions Trap, Celebrate Your Accomplishments

By Sheryl Nicholson December 27, 2018

I have often found the end of the year and the beginning of the next one a bit of a downer. Have you?

I know I was busy. I am sure I accomplished something but I needed a tool that would help me really stop and think about what I did. Read More

A Compassionate Christmas from One Generation to the Next

By Christine Field December 15, 2018

Do you want Christmas to be more than the dazzle of gifts and tinsel, either for yourself, or your child or grandchild? Read More

Is Being Grateful the Secret to Finding Happiness in Life After 60?

By Margaret Manning December 12, 2018

Being grateful is one of the most important ways to express positivity in our lives. This is especially true as we reach our 60s and begin to transition to the next phase of our life. Read More

Hanging Out with Your Male Friend After 50 – Are Friendships with Testosterone a Good Idea?

By Shirley Goldberg December 11, 2018

We are a group of seven women of a certain age, sitting around the dinner table (yes, there is wine), talking about relationships. Since we don’t know one another that well, there are lots of questions. Read More