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Search Results for: books

Living Longer is Not Enough! Here’s How to Stay Healthy on the Journey

By Jessica Hegg April 08, 2020

People are living longer lives thanks to breakthroughs in medical technology, pharmaceuticals, and a general understanding of how the body works…

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27 Ideas to Expand Your Horizons in These Times of Self-Isolation

By Penelope Jane Whiteley April 07, 2020

If you’re one of the many people currently in isolation, you may be looking at the days stretching ahead with horror. What are you going to do? Here in the UK, all of us septuagenarians…

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7 Things We Can Do To Protect and Enhance the Aging Brain

By Sixty and Me April 05, 2020

When you concentrate on what you’re thankful for instead of what bothers you, you’re decentering. If things aren’t going well, Dr. Medina advises, simply write down three things that make you grateful…

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10 Activities Your Kids Can Do with a Loved One Who Is Living with Dementia – Even When They Can’t Attend in Person

By Anthony Cirillo April 02, 2020

The relationship between a child and a person living with dementia can be very enriching for both. In our Caregiver Summit, I interviewed Kathryn Harrison…

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3 Recipes to Comfort You in Uncertain Times

By Pam Lamp April 01, 2020

A therapist friend once told me, “Our brains can’t process two things at once. If our hands are occupied – knitting a scarf, coloring or drawing, cooking a new recipe, decorating cookies…

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3 Reasons Boomers Need a Side Hustle More than Millennials

By Sixty and Me April 01, 2020

If the lifestyle gurus are to be believed, starting a side-hustle is one of the surest paths to wealth at any age. But, on the whole, it is Millennials who have truly embraced the “Four Hour Workweek” and similar books.

Rejecting yesterday’s conventional wisdom – “Do well in school, go to college, get a good job, work hard for 45 years and retire” – younger workers are embracing freelancing, following their passions and planning their next job during the orientation for their current one. Read More

3 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Out of a Funk After 50

By Iris Pastor March 30, 2020

The other day, I innocently asked my grandson what he would like for his upcoming ninth birthday. He thought for a moment, then gazed intently into my eyes and answered explicitly, “No books, Nana. And nothing you knitted…”

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How to Stay Busy and Useful, While Sheltering in Place During Coronavirus Quarantine

By Becki Cohn-Vargas March 27, 2020

Several counties in the San Francisco Bay Area have already announced a mandatory shelter-in-place requirement. They said all non-essential businesses would have to be closed…

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Stuck at Home? 20 Things to Do if You’re Trying to Avoid the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Over Age 60

By Sixty and Me March 26, 2020

Up until now, I’ve haven’t written too much about the coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak. But, after much soul-searching, I decided that I had an obligation to help all of you to get through this difficult time…

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Try Looking at Your Life Differently!

By Sheri Saxe March 25, 2020

If you practice yoga, you might be familiar with the positions called inversions that flip our bodies head down and feet up. Mentally, these positions can encourage us to turn our beliefs upside down and try an entirely fresh perspective…

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