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Search Results for: Yoga

Writing, Cats, Yoga and Ceramics – Embracing Life After Retirement (Video)

By Margaret Manning May 30, 2016

For most of our lives, we look forward to retirement as if it was the ultimate destination. We monitor our savings account, hoping that we have enough money to maintain our quality of life. We think about all of the fabulous places that we want to go. We dream about what we will do with ourselves when, for the first time in more than 4 decades, we have free time again. Read More

4 Ways to Ease Your Way Into Yoga for Seniors

By Margaret Manning May 20, 2016

6 weeks ago, I took my first yoga class in decades. It was a humbling, emotional experience. Even though I had been practicing with our Sixty and Me gentle yoga and chair yoga DVDs, I wasn’t emotionally prepared for completely immersing myself in this activity after so long. Read More

Do You Love Your Aging Body? How Gentle Yoga Helped Me to Accept Myself

By Margaret Manning May 07, 2016

For the last 20 years, I’ve been on a journey to accept and, eventually, love my aging body. Read More

Looking for a Sixty and Me Yoga Promo Code? You’ve Come to the Right Place!

By Margaret Manning April 09, 2016

By now, you have probably heard about our Sixty and Me gentle yoga and chair yoga videos. Perhaps a friend told you how they have helped her to get rid of her everyday aches and pains, while finding more energy. Or, maybe you simply went to Google and found our videos in the search results. Read More

The Benefits of Yoga for Seniors: Yoga for Osteoporosis

By Sixty and Me March 03, 2016

Osteoporosis poses a seeming contradiction for senior citizens trying to maintain bone health.

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Yoga for Seniors: Addressing Common Health Concerns as We Age

By Sixty and Me July 09, 2015

While it’s true that older adults derive deeper benefits from yoga for seniors the longer they practice, you don’t have to take years of classes to reap all of yoga’s many rewards. Read More

Try Our Gentle Chair Yoga for Seniors DVD and Online Videos

By Margaret Manning December 28, 2014

  Experience the benefits of gentle yoga from the comfort of your chair! If you have always wanted to try chair yoga for seniors but weren’t sure if your body could handle it, this gentle video series is for you! Join us now and start giving your body the attention and love that it needs.   […]

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The Surprising Connection Between Gentle Yoga and Positive Self-Image (Video)

By Margaret Manning December 05, 2014

“I’m a complete beginner to gentle yoga.” “I’m a total newbie.” “I’m a bit stiff and overweight.” “I’m a complete novice, with practically no strength or flexibility.” These are a few of the ways that women in the Sixty and Me community described themselves when I asked them if they were interested me producing a series of gentle yoga videos for older adults. Read More

An Introduction to Gentle Yoga for Older Adults

By Margaret Manning November 17, 2014

When I ask the members of the Sixty and Me community what is holding them back from building their dream life after 60, poor health and excess stress are the two most common answers. Read More

What is Yoga Really? Can You Benefit from Yoga for Seniors? (Video)

By Margaret Manning November 14, 2014

Women of our generation have a reputation for being willing to try new things. Through six decades of life, we have embraced new fashions, challenged the status quo and reinvented ourselves more times than we can count. Read More