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Search Results for: books

Staying Connected When the Pandemic Disconnects Us: 30 Days of Paying It Forward

By Cynthia Hogg December 05, 2020

Socially distancing for physical health can have the opposite effect on our mental health. We are social beings, created to connect meaningfully with other human beings. When we lose that, we lose part of ourselves…

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The Joy of Homemade Gifts and Cards

By Becki Cohn-Vargas November 29, 2020

As the pandemic surges and we are faced with extended hours of isolation from friends and family, where holiday travel is limited, and a general mood of stress is heightened, we rely on other forms of communication…

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Falls in Older Adults Statistics

By Jessica Thomas November 23, 2020

Falls are a major problem that affects many older Americans. These falls can generate high medical costs and often result in surgeries and extended hospital stays. There are many reasons why older Americans may be more susceptible to falls compared with their younger peers. The remainder of this piece will explore some statistics related to […]

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4 Memoirs to Wrap Up for Others – or Yourself

By Pam Lamp November 19, 2020

This year has been a learning experience for all of us. During this season of thanking and giving and taking time to reflect on the wild ride of 2020, I bring you four of my favorite non-fiction books. All are memoirs revolving…

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How to Connect with Young Grandchildren During the Covid Winter

By Romney Humphrey November 18, 2020

As winter looms, many of us who’ve been able to socially distance with grandchildren outside are now grieving for the near future when the weather will prevent even that abbreviated interaction with our beloved progeny…

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The Art of Writing Creative Eulogies

By Diana Raab November 14, 2020

The holiday season is often marked by the loss of loved ones, so it’s a good idea to be prepared for the inevitable. I am a well-published writer, so it seems that when a close friend or family member dies, I’m asked to write the eulogy.

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How Much Does It Cost to Retire to Mexico?

By Kerry Baker November 11, 2020

Over a million Americans and half that many Canadians live in Mexico. Likely just as many live in the country part-time and unreported, keeping an address in the US (as I do). Living in Mexico is the answer for many who fear their lives…

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Gathering Our Financial Family Around Us

By Marie Burns November 08, 2020

Talking around the dinner table as a young girl is where I heard the story of my grandma Helen’s first husband. It turned out that 1941, the year of the Pearl Harbor attack, was also a year that will live in infamy in the history of my family…

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How I Tried – and Failed – to Box My Grief Over My Mother’s Death

By Delia Lloyd November 04, 2020

I had a vivid dream the other night. I was preparing to teach a class, but I couldn’t find my notes. As the time for the class drew nearer, I got increasingly stressed that I’d lost my window to prepare. In and of itself, that dream isn’t…

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Chicken Soup for the Immune System

By Mike Pukanic November 03, 2020

My wife is recovering from the flu. I know she is feeling better because she is bustling around the kitchen making her grandmother’s chicken soup, a highly guarded secret recipe. Then she suddenly turns to me and asks, “Where exactly…

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