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Search Results for: yoga

The Power of Perspective in the Life of a 60-Plus Year Old Woman

By Julia Hubbel August 05, 2019

Early this morning, I woke up in Washington DC, where I’m going to be delivering a speech in the late afternoon. I’m sitting at my desk in the sweet early hours, my workout gear on, ready to head out to the first floor where I know the gym is located. Read More

Turning 60 is an Opportunity to Change Your Life for the Better

By Sherry Bronson July 29, 2019

When I said I was moving to Bali, someone asked, “What are you running from?” The question struck me as odd. I wasn’t running from, I was running to. After years of doing for others this was for me, my great adventure. It was also a test. Could I survive the loneliness that was sure to come? Read More

Be Patient! 5 Ways Playing the Waiting Game Helps After 60

By Sixty and Me July 21, 2019

By our age, you would think that we would have learned how to be patient… but, for many of us, the opposite is true. With fewer years ahead of us than behind us, we are always in a hurry to get things done… and our long term social, financial and mental goals get thrown out […]

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Fall Prevention After 60: How to Stay on Your Feet and Out of the Hospital

By Margaret Manning July 17, 2019

Fall prevention isn’t just for the “super old.” In fact, according to my guest, Dr. Leslie, every person over the age of 60 should be thinking about how to maintain their balance and avoid fall-related injuries. As someone who has had her share of falls, I couldn’t agree more! Join us as we discuss the importance of fall prevention after 60.
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When it Comes to Making Money After 50, Whiners Are Never Winners

By Sixty and Me July 14, 2019

A few years ago, I published an article entitled “60 Ways to Make Money in Retirement.” It was massive. Read More

How to Beat the Doldrums in Your 60s: 6 Ideas to Bring Back Your Mojo

By Karen Margaret Kay July 14, 2019

We all have good days and bad days in this life, regardless of our circumstances. Hopefully though, by the time we reach our 60s, the good days far outweigh the bad. That said, none of us is immune to the doldrums…

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6 Ways to Keep Yourself Occupied During Lonely Moments in Your 60s

By Anne Crowther July 03, 2019

Much has been written about loneliness in recent months – and not just about the elderly who find themselves alone in later life. Read More

7 Types of Group Exercise That Can Help You Thrive When You’re Over 60

By Robin Griffiths July 02, 2019

We all know the benefits of exercise. Working out can increase energy, promote weight loss, manage health problems, and aid in the prevention of muscle loss. Although we know we need to get out there and work out…

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Want to Improve Your Health Past 60? Take a Cruise!

By Joy Stephenson-Laws June 29, 2019

Did you just do a double take after reading this title? If you did, it would be totally understandable. After all, when you hear “cruise,” you probably think of endless buffets, dozing under the sun…

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3 Powerful Ways Volunteering Can Enrich Your Life After 60

By Sixty and Me June 27, 2019

One goal that almost all of us share is leaving the world a better place than we entered it. We may not agree on the solutions to the problems facing society and our planet… but, we want our kids and grandkids to have better lives than us. So, today, I would like to talk about one of the main ways that we can give back after 60… by volunteering, teaching and mentoring. Do you volunteer, teach or mentor? Which organizations do you support and why? Please share your suggestions… this may be a great chance to help others to discover your favorite charities and causes.

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