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Search Results for: learn language

One Piece of Financial Advice You Can Ignore

By Hanna Morrell March 23, 2024

If there is one piece of traditional financial advice I wish we all knew we could ignore, it would be “Only spend on what you need, not what you want.”
You’ve probably heard this piece of wisdom thousands of times in your life, and maybe you’ve even…

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9 Fun Part-Time Jobs for Retirees that Anyone Can Do

By Margaret Manning March 21, 2024

Women over 60 are no strangers to hard work. Most of us have worked all our lives, whether it’s at a full-time job or caring for children or for aging parents. But as we approach retirement age, many older women are starting to think about…

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7 Surprising Places to Travel in 2024 for Solo Women Over 60

By Sandra Roussy March 20, 2024

Are you searching for your next travel destination? Are you traveling solo? Traveling alone as a woman over 60 has its challenges, but definitely also has its perks. I travel solo a lot and always make sure to research my destination of choice very carefully…

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Making Over Starr, The Woman Who Decided to Live

By Suzanne Blons March 09, 2024

When I met Starr, I saw the incredible strength in her choice to live. I saw it in her eyes and in her aliveness to plunge into seemingly overwhelming situations like moving to a foreign country, learning another language, and becoming fit and healthy…

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The Ultimate Guide to Solo Travel for Women over 50  

By Sandra Roussy March 06, 2024

Whether you find yourself well-acquainted with solo traveling or are gearing up for that very first independent journey, going on a solo trip opens up a scope of unique experiences. It’s a venture that comes with its very own set of…

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Let’s Shift to an Optimistic Perspective in All Life Scenarios

By Viktoria Vidali March 02, 2024

Rain splattered against the windowpane, mimicking the worried rhythm of Joyce’s heart. Her son, Allen, was due back from a camping trip with friends, and with every passing minute, the storm outside echoed the one brewing inside…

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3 Ways Movement Can Optimize Your Brain Health After 60

By Brittany Denis March 02, 2024

Research continues to find a strong connection between mobility and decline in brain health. It’s been long established that exercise and movement help promote mental health and fight symptoms of depression, anxiety, and even PTSD…

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Can You See New Possibilities Past 60? 9 Crafty Ways to Enrich Your Life

By Christine Field February 27, 2024

We are well into the new year. Has life already become routine for you? These ultra-cold days of winter can make us feel limited and cooped up. Don’t forget that life has infinite possibilities! But most of us believe that we don’t have many options available to us…

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Didn’t Feel Any Spark on the First Date? Try These 7 Tips

By Michele Burghardt February 26, 2024

One of the most common complaints I hear from my coaching clients about first dates is that they didn’t feel any chemistry. So often we expect it to feel like a bolt of lightning like you see in the movies. We forget, we live in real life, not in a movie…

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9 Fun Indoor Adventures to Beat the Winter Doldrums

By Patty Grasher February 07, 2024

If you are a bit tired of “Let it snow, let it snow” or “Raindrops keep falling on your head,” it might be time to bring some virtual sunshine into your day. Join me with a steaming cup of coffee or stir a bit of honey into a cup of tea and let’s get started…

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