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Search Results for: positive thinking

Sleep Deprived but Staying Alive – The Importance of Sleep in Life After 60

By Joan Frances Moran July 15, 2015

Have you ever experienced something that sounded like a good idea… but, turned out not to be? This happened to me last week, when I joined a PhD research project on sleep and source memory at University of Texas. My boyfriend requested (more like pleading and imploring) that I join him. Read More

How to Recover from a Divorce After 60

By Margaret Manning June 18, 2015

Many women in our community have been forced to deal with a divorce after 60. These women are not alone. According to UK government statistics, divorce rates for women over 60 have increased significantly since 1991. This is despite the fact that overall divorce rates are down during the same period. Read More

4 Ways Older Models Are Changing the Fashion Industry

By Margaret Manning May 28, 2015

For decades, or centuries even, fashion has been a young person’s game. In a way, this makes sense. Not only were young people the ones with the most disposable income, but, retirement, was seen as a time of aging gracefully, not dressing fabulously.

Oh how the tables are turning! For starters, older women are now one of the most desirable consumer groups. In addition, far from fading quietly into the night, women in their 50s and 60s are embracing fashion and makeup and living life to the full. Read More

Is Healthy Aging a Priority for You? Say “Yes” to these 9 Things

By Margaret Manning April 23, 2015

Staying healthy is one of the biggest priorities for most women over 60, including myself. We all want to experience healthy aging so that we can enjoy everything that life has to offer in the decades ahead. Read More

How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety as a Woman Over 60

By Margaret Manning February 19, 2015

Most women my age, to one degree or another, are wondering how to deal with stress and anxiety. Some people, like me, even thrive with a little stress in our lives. We feel that stress, up to a certain point, makes us stronger and more alive.

Others fear stress or all kinds and do everything that they can to avoid it. What stresses you out? Do you think that there are some kinds of stress that are positive, while others are negative? Read More

I’m a Zoomer… and You Should be Too!

By Margaret Manning January 26, 2015

If you look at the way that people in their midlife and older are portrayed in the media, you would be forgiven for thinking that life ends at 60. There are exceptions – usually in comedies designed to show the humorous side of aging – but, for the most part, life after 60 is shown to be a time of turning invisible and aging gracefully. Read More

Grandparenting Tips: Building a Strong Relationship with Your Daughter in Law

By Margaret Manning September 25, 2014

The relationship between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws is complicated. At its best, it can be like finding a long-lost daughter. At worst, it can be a center of tension for the entire family.

When you think about it, having a daughter-in-law is a beautiful thing. After all, this is the person that your son has chosen from the billions of women in the world. She is also the mother of your precious grandchildren. And, while this may be hard for many mothers to accept, she is now the center of your son’s life.

So, with so much riding on the mother-in-law to daughter-in-law relationship, why is it so hard to get right? Why do so many of us feel a sense of tension, or even outright hostility, from the most important woman in our son’s life? Read More

6 Surprising Habits for a Happier Life After 60

By Margaret Manning August 27, 2014

What was the happiest time of your life? If you’re like many women over 60, the answer is “right now.” After 60 years of looking after other people, many of us are exploring our independence and building new lives, full of possibility and adventure. Read More

4 Ways Older Entrepreneurs Can Win Against Their Younger Counterparts

By Margaret Manning July 07, 2014

When I told my friends and family that I was quitting my marketing job at a well-respected global company to start Sixty and Me, I was greeted with confused looks. After all, at age 64, I was supposed to be “winding down” and preparing for retirement.

Like the thousands of older entrepreneurs that start a business in their 50s, 60s or beyond, I didn’t see it that way. With 20 to 30 years ahead of me, I wanted to fill my remaining years with new adventures and valuable work. Now, with Sixty and Me growing and changing lives, I’m glad I did. At the same time, my experience raises some important questions. Read More

Do Too Many Women Over 60 Have a Fear of Asking for Help?

By Margaret Manning May 13, 2014

The feminist movement gave women many gifts. Whatever your opinion about “women’s lib,” most efforts to achieve equality and independence have been helpful. Women can vote, own property and enjoy a wide range of legal and financial freedoms. Women truly have come out of the shadows and chosen to take off their invisibility cloaks. Read More