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Search Results for: positive thinking

How to Be Happier this New Year in 6 Easy Steps

By Margaret Manning January 01, 2016

What does happiness mean to you?

Often when people are young, we have a rather regimented idea of happiness – we might have thought, when we were younger, “I’ll be happy when I get to a certain place in my career,” or “I’ll be happy when I win the approval and esteem of my friends,” or “I’ll be happy when I can fit into that beautiful dress at the store,” or “I’ll be happy when I get to go on that nice vacation next summer.” Read More

Should You Use a Younger Picture on Your Over 50 Dating Profile?

By Margaret Manning December 22, 2015

Exploring an over 50 dating site is an emotional experience for most women. Not only are many of us nervous about being back in the dating scene after decades of stability, but, we also have to put ourselves out there for the world to see. Read More

What Makes a Healthy Diet for Women Over 60? You May be Surprised (Video)

By Margaret Manning November 15, 2015

When I was a young woman, I could eat an entire pizza and never gain an ounce. Now that I am in my 60s, it feels like I could gain 10 pounds just from saying “pizza” out loud. On second thoughts, hopefully writing it down in this article won’t have the same effect! Read More

60 Women Share their Advice for Surviving a Divorce After 60

By Margaret Manning November 04, 2015

Divorce after 60 may be painful, but, at least it is no longer a taboo subject. It’s also a challenge that more and more women are facing as our generation ages. Read More

When it Comes to Senior Dating, Women Should Leave these Things Behind

By Margaret Manning November 01, 2015

When it comes to senior dating, having lots of life experience is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, by the time we reach our 50s and 60s, we know who we are and what we want from life. In many ways, we also have more to offer a potential partner. Read More

Daisies, Roses or Tulips? What Does Your Favorite Flower Say About You?

By Margaret Manning October 20, 2015

We often talk about our fashion and home décor choices and how they reflect our personality and style. I was thinking today about how our style is also reflected in less obvious choices that we make. Read More

Memorable First Jobs and What We Can Learn from Them

By Margaret Manning October 13, 2015

Many women have strong memories of their first paid job. Sometimes their memories are tinged with mixed emotions – but there is no denying that first taste of freedom and a pay check combined with the sense of being truly “grown up” represents a significant milestone in a young woman’s life. Read More

Longevity is a Resource – Here’s How to Get the Most from It

By Joan Frances Moran September 03, 2015

You’ve all heard it before and it is the one constant and true axiom in life: You get better as you age. Do you believe this? Is longevity really a resource? Or is this mantra just a fabrication of modern consumerism? Does American advertising use this slogan just to get you to buy a quick fix and look ten years younger with a face-life, pill or personal trainer? Read More

This Could be Your Last Chance to Find Happiness – Don’t Miss it!

By Margaret Manning August 22, 2015

Do you every feel like you are chasing happiness? How many times have you said, “When I get _______ I’ll finally be able to do ______?” Or, “If only _____ would happen, I could finally be happy!” This kind of thinking comes so naturally to us that we barely even notice it. Unfortunately, natural as it may be, this kind of thinking also prevents us from being happy in the present. Read More

What All Women Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Starting a Business

By Sixty and Me August 04, 2015

Every year, thousands of people take that first brave step and set up their own business. These people are from all walks of life. Contrary to popular stereotypes, many first-time entrepreneurs are in their 50s and 60s.

It’s always heartening to hear stories of entrepreneurs starting from scratch and doing well. Though anyone who runs their own business will understand how much effort it takes to get a new venture off the ground. I hope that my own entrepreneurial story will encourage the other women in the Sixty and Me community to follow their passions. Read More