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Search Results for: vitamin d

Love Getting Out Into Nature? Here Are 5 Ways to Upgrade Your Next Hike

By Jessica Hegg February 05, 2023

Are dark cold winter days leaving you feeling cooped up inside your own home? While it might feel ‘off season,’ hiking during the winter actually offers you loads of physical and mental health benefits and best of all, gets you out of the house!

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5 Pantry and Freezer “Must-Have” Foods for People with Autoimmunity

By Thea Banjac January 17, 2023

As many women with autoimmunity and other chronic diseases have discovered, food is much more than just calories for the body! Food provides vital information to the immune system, the nervous system, and every other bodily system…

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Dos and Don’ts for Your Beautiful Skin This Winter and All Year Long

By Sheena Nancy Sarles December 26, 2022

Now that we are over 60, I think we can all agree – we’ve spent enough time, money, angst, and celebration seeking the best, worst, and most effective products for our delicate skin. Some dry us out, some over moisturize, and some are just right for the moment…

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Good Old-Fashioned Play is Still Important for Our Modern Grandkids

By Cindy Roe Littlejohn December 23, 2022

Did you know that the amount of time that today’s children spend playing is far less than the amount of time we spent playing? How can that be with all the overwhelmed young mothers who seem to spend their time running their children…

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How Biophilia Can Be a Part of Your Wellness Routine

By Julie Ambachew November 27, 2022

Tapping into our innate connection to nature, known as biophilia, is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both physically and emotionally. The concept is also foundational to biophilic design, which brings in natural materials, patterns, plants…

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Banish Those November Blues with a Holistic Plan That Works Wonders for Women Over 60

By Karen Margaret Kay November 08, 2022

As you move into your 60s and beyond, what images come to your mind when you hear the word ‘November’? Depending on where you live, you may have only positive connotations associated with this month…

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Don’t Hibernate This Winter! 3 Tips to Help 60+ Women Get Outdoors and Stay Healthy

By Karen Matthews November 03, 2022

As the colder weather and holidays approach, it’s tempting to hunker down, get comfy, and grab some hot cocoa and snacks for a long winter’s hibernation indoors. Wow, that does sound nice – and it definitely has its place…

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What Role Does “Good” Cholesterol Play in Maintaining Health in Our 60s? You May Be Surprised!

By Joy Stephenson-Laws October 27, 2022

As far back as I can remember, conventional wisdom has been that the higher our HDL cholesterol levels, the less we and our healthcare providers had to be concerned about our ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol levels…

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4 Proven Ways to Build Bone Density Over 60

By Aubrey Reinmiller October 19, 2022

October 20th is World Osteoporosis Day. As women over 60, osteoporosis and building bone density is a concern I hear from so many of my personal training and fitness clients. Many women don’t realize that you can build bone density and prevent…

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The Art of Managing Anxiety in Uncertain Times

By Carol Cassara October 01, 2022

These are uncertain and anxious times. I can’t help but think more of us are anxious and tense than in previous years: I know my friends and I are. So what to do about that anxiety, especially if it’s multiplied?

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