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Search Results for: social security

How to Create a Conversation Renaissance in Your Marriage

By Kurt Smith March 14, 2024

There’s something comforting about sitting quietly with your spouse and not feeling pressured to come up with small talk. On the other hand, there’s something quite mind-numbing about knowing your conversational repertoire is limited…

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Post-Divorce Checklist to Help You Out

By Mary Salisbury January 10, 2024

Your divorce is final! No doubt you feel like taking a break, but there is much more to do to separate your life from your ex’s. There are several financial matters you need to settle. Was there a retirement account that was split in the divorce?

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Are Your Conversations About Money Making You Unhappy?

By Elizabeth Dunkel December 16, 2023

Lately I have become acutely sensitive to the amount of time we spend talking about money in our everyday life. “I love your sweater.” “Oh thank you. I got it on sale for $19, can you believe it? It cost $149.00 originally.”

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7 Longevity Areas Next Generations Will Need to Consider

By Mary Lou Harris December 04, 2023

You may have seen the report from the Stanford Center on Longevity titled the New Map of Life. It is written not only with longevity of us, the baby boomers, but more futuristically benefitting our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We are only the beginning…

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Why Do Couples Divorce Later in Life?

By Brian Joslyn December 02, 2023

Divorces initiated later in life have surged in recent years, marking a stark shift in marital dynamics. Younger couples find it relatively easier to part ways due to their upbringing in a society where dual-career households are the norm…

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Looking at 60 with Fresh Eyes: Is This Really the Age of Change and Opportunity?

By Paula Usrey October 10, 2023

While on break from my classes, I took advantage of a free flu shot offered through the college where I teach. When I popped into the small conference room crammed with colleagues and nervous laughter, a young 20-something…

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Navigating Financial Realities After Losing Your Spouse

By Kathleen M. Rehl September 26, 2023

Sixteen years ago, my world shattered. That’s when cancer killed my beloved husband. A spouse’s likelihood of passing away is three times higher for women than men. Many women find that widowhood forces them to take on and make critical financial…

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Do You Overspend?

By Beverly Bowers September 10, 2023

I just read two interesting articles about spending habits. One focused on boomers and the other discussed the differences in spending habits of boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. The latter article was based on data from Bank of America…

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How Can Annuities Help You Manage Your Finances in 2023?

By Lyle Solomon August 22, 2023

Saving for retirement is crucial if you want to be financially secure in your later years. But because of the economy and the fact that more men than women work, many women do not have enough money saved for retirement…

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After Heartbreak, New Widows Must Revisit Their Finances

By Kathleen M. Rehl August 17, 2023

I was devastated. A few days before I turned 60, I was suddenly a widow. But really, I was typical. Surprisingly, the average age at which a wife becomes a widow is 59.4. About 1 million women a year in the U.S. experience what may be the most stressful event…

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