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Search Results for: social security

What is the Key to Happiness After 60? Friendship or Financial Security? (Poll)

By Margaret Manning April 22, 2015

When I ask the members of our community what challenges they are facing, a lack of meaningful friendships and a lack of financial resources are at the top of the list. On the surface, these are different issues, with different causes. But, if you dig a little deeper, they both relate to our changing circumstances. Read More

Boomers: 65 and Beyond Staying Alive

By Darlene Corbett November 08, 2022

Age 65! What are your thoughts when you hear it? Let’s start with past messages. Old, over the hill, retirement, social security, and Medicare for Americans are a few common ones. Well, that was then. No more…

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Will Your Health Span Match Your Lifespan? How Not to Outlive Your Health

By Lorraine Melendez September 28, 2022

As we round the corner of 60 years of age, the question of retirement looms large. Have I saved enough? How’s my 401K? How much will Social Security provide? I need to call my financial planner. For many, our past preparation and planning for that eventual…

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Want to Add to Your Retirement Income by Renting a Property? Read These 5 Tips First!

By Maryalene LaPonsie January 21, 2022

Social security, pensions and annuities can all be dependable sources of monthly income. So too can real estate. But before you cash out your retirement fund and buy a rental property, here are five things you should know…

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How Positive Financial Thinking Can Help You to Get More from Retirement

By Danielle Howard September 11, 2021

We miss the profound depth to financial thriving when we focus solely on getting better rates of return, maximizing Social Security, mitigating risk, diversifying assets or addressing draw down rates – the traditional talk of financial advisors…

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This is the Worst Mistake You Can Make When Retiring Abroad

By Sixty and Me August 12, 2019

There are many reasons that retiring abroad has become a hot trend. Some of us are looking for a way to live comfortably on Social Security and our limited savings. Others are choosing to seek adventure in far of places after a lifetime of being stuck in a cubicle. Still others are moving abroad in retirement to be closer to family members in other countries. Read More

Colonel Sanders Started KFC at Age 65. What’s Stopping You from Starting a Business?

By Margaret Manning November 21, 2016

At the age of 65, Colonel Harland Sanders was facing a crisis. Like many older adults today, he was looking at an uncertain future. His restaurant had failed and he was left only with his savings and the prospect of a $105 monthly Social Security check. Read More

The Millionaire Grandma: 7 Limiting Beliefs that Hold Us Back Financially After 60

By Margaret Manning November 11, 2016

What does it take to be a millionaire grandma? If you said, “having a million dollars in the bank,” you’re only half right. In fact, many women who reach this financial milestone won’t be able to live the lifestyle that most of us associate with being a millionaire… but, that’s a topic for another article! Read More

Can We Come Together to Disrupt Aging Alone?

By Carol Marak May 08, 2016

To “disrupt aging alone” has been top of mind since I turned 60. This month, I turn 65, so it’s growing even more relevant. Happy birthday to me! Read More

9 Benefits Boomer Women Can Find in an Encore Career

By Kathleen M. Rehl April 12, 2024

For many elder boomers, like me, the outdated model of retirement isn’t a good fit today. We’re healthier and living longer than prior generations. Most of us don’t want to just sit in a porch rocking chair gazing at the sunset…

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